Launching Performance Pro

Best Practices in Launching Performance Pro

Now that your site is set up and training is complete, you are ready to launch to your employees. Below is a list of items to check as you prepare Performance Pro for your first appraisal cycle.

Check-In Meeting

If you have not already had a "check-in" meeting after you have completed employee and manager training, we encourage you to schedule that.  In that meeting we will review:

  • Readiness of the first review cycle
  • Your questions about functionality
  • Implementation and training Feedback

As a new client, to schedule a check-in meeting, please select a date from this link.

Welcome Email

Now that you are ready to have employees log in, you can use a tool in Performance Pro that will email all employees a "Welcome to Performance Pro" message and include their:

  • Link to Performance Pro
  • Username
  • Password
  • And custom instructions written by you

That email can also be configured to send to new employees when they are added in the future. To learn more about this tool, please see this article. Of course, if you wish, you can communicate the launch of Performance Pro via your own email.  

You can also add a custom note on the dashboard for your employees which can be used for appraisal date reminder or other aspects of your appraisal methodology.  Please see this article for more information. 

Appraisal Dates

Whether you are set up for an anniversary, annual, semi-annual or quarterly appraisal cycles, it's important to check your dates to ensure employees have the proper time frame to work on their appraisals and so that  automated email notifications are triggered off the proper date. To check this information, export the Cycle Status report to review:

Appraisal State and Due Date



Do you want employees to get notified about when items are due or overdue?  Under Manage Alerts, please be sure to check that the notification schedule is configured as you wish including notifications for:

  • Appraisal Due or overdue
  • Goal Due or overdue
  • Appraiser and Employee Goal Reminders
  • E-Signature
  • Reminders and overdue notifications for Multi-Appraisers

This article goes into notifications in more detail.


This is a robust tool in Performance Pro which can make your time in Performance Pro very efficient when you can direct appraisals and the approval process to the proper team members in a timely manner.   

There are several options when setting up routing. If you just recently finished your implementation, then your Implementation Specialist set that with you.  

and your Implementation Specialist set that up and trained on how you want to use routing.  

if you would like to review routing with us, please contact our Performance Pro Client Experience team to set up a call. Having a call to share screens is the best way to your review routing setup.  

Another great resource is this webinar video that details routing setup and operation. 


Additional Helpful Articles

Add a New Position

Add more Performance Pro licenses

Reset passwords