Merit Planning

Merit Plan - Supervisor Access Discretionary Matrix (Compease Starter)

To assign Supervisor access in Merit Increase Planning, the Supervisor must be assigned Supervisor Access to the application. See Access Level Descriptions and Assign Access Level for more information.


Detailed instructions for your supervisors are in the attached PDF.

 Merit Supervisor Instructions

Merit Supervisor Instructions - Integrated with Performance Pro


Settings > Company Settings > Company Information

Downline View Level for Supervisor:

Yes – Supervisor can view their downline reporting structure.

No - Supervisor can only view their direct reports.


Email Notifications: Checking this box will notify your supervisors they have been assigned access to a Merit Plan. This notification is sent immediately after assigning Supervisor access. If the downline level view for supervisors is marked yes, supervisors will also receive email notifications for upline/downline completion.

Please note: Supervisors email must be in the application for the email to be sent.


Email sent to Supervisor:


Discretionary: The admin can set a discretionary percentage the supervisor can apply to an increase over and above the suggested percentage of increase on the matrix. The system will not allow the supervisor to exceed the discretionary percentage. If the discretionary percentage is 0.00%, the supervisor will only be allowed to decrease the suggested increase.

For example: A High Performer with a Compa Ratio Range of 3 will have the ability to earn up to a 5% increase.


To activate discretionary matrix, on your Assumptions, check the box that states Utilize Discretionary Matrix.


Add a percentage to the Additional Discretionary % field.

Customize > Enter percentage > Save.


Assign Supervisor Access and Budget

Merit Planning > Supervisor Access/Budget


Supervisor Access/Budget: This is an optional field and does not automatically calculate as budgets are assigned.

CSV: Allows Admin’s to export the data on the Supervisor Access page.


  • Access to Model: Gives Supervisor Access to increase or decrease a suggested percent increase within the discretionary percentage and assigned budget.
  • Dynamic Budget: Gives Supervisor Access to increase or decrease a suggested percent increase within the discretionary percentage and assigned budget. If the amount is decreased, the percentage of decrease will be added back to the supervisors’ budget.

Please Note: All supervisors who are given access to the merit plan must be assigned to either Access to Model or Access to Model and Dynamic Budget.

  • Individual Discretionary Budget Amount: Enter the budget amount for the supervisor. Supervisors will not be allowed to spend more than their budget or exceed the set discretionary percentage. If the budget is left at $0.00, the supervisor will have an unlimited budget, but not be allowed to exceed the set discretionary percentage.
  • Total Amount Used: The field will automatically calculate the total amount of the budget that is used based on the matrix and any additional increase or decrease the supervisor indicates.
  • Unlock Supervisor: When the supervisor marks their tabular view “Finished” the lock icon will close. If the supervisor marked finish by mistake or needs to make additional adjustments to their tabular view, Admins can click the lock icon to unlock the supervisor’s access.

Click the Lock Icon > Save > Calculate Increases > Calculate Increases to apply the change.


Company Admin: When Admins make an adjustment to an increase, the Total Amount Used will populate; this amount will not be removed from the Supervisors budgeted amount.



Once Supervisor Access has been granted, Admins can view changes being made on the tabular view by going to Calculate Increases > View Employees. Admins will not be able to make changes to the awarded increases until the supervisor and upline supervisors have clicked Finished. Once Finished is clicked, Admins will have the final say on all increases.


Supervisor Reports: Supervisors have access to the Merit Plan Report, Employee Pay Change Notification, and the Employee Base Salary Statement for their direct reports.


Employee Base Salary Statement: Please set your Base Salary Statement verbiage and click save, so that Supervisor provides the correct information to your employees.


Once you have entered the report, you have the option to send an email to the Supervisor.



Select Supervisor or Supervisors > Send Email


Email sent to Supervisor: