Use the Data Bridge Import within Compease to update your employee data in mass!
Please note - If you are integrated with Performance Pro, you will complete the import process instead. Click here to learn about that process.
- To get started, create a file by pulling a custom report from your payroll or HRIS system using our Data Bridge Setup template as a guideline to show the required, recommended, and optional fields that can be mass uploaded to Compease Employee Master.
- The Compease Support team can provide you with this template.
The file column headers are not required to match the order or titles shown on the template provided.
If you do use the template as the basis for copying/pasting your data, you will want to delete the top two rows of the template and only leave the header intact.
- The file must be saved as a .csv (comma delimited) format in Excel.
Setting Codes for Data Bridge Configuration
- Select Data Bridge on the bottom of your sidebar, then select Set Code.
- Set Code provides the option to apply a coding to any Job Title, Department, Branch, and/or Location if they show up differently in your HRIS system. To edit a unit, selecting the edit pencil. An edit box will show up at the bottom of your screen. Add your code, and select Save.
For example, the Accountant Assistant on the bridge file is listed as Accountant Assi in Compease. I could edit this in Job Master, or input Accountant Assistant under Bridge Code so that the program recognizes the title.
- Select Configuration on the sidebar.
- In the upper right corner of the toolbar, select the Type of Bridge, either Partial or Full depending on the type of file being uploaded.
What is a Partial and Full Bridge?
A Partial Bridge allows for the update of one or more fields for existing employee records ONLY. The only required field for this is the Employee ID. Employees cannot be added or archived using a partial bridge.
A Full Bridge allows for employee addition and archival along with updates to existing records. This requires a minimum of 12 fields (red headers on template) as well as any recommended and optional fields that may be chosen. Any employee included on the spreadsheet will be added to Compease using a full bridge, and employees excluded from the file can be archived during a full bridge import if desired.
- Select the Delimiters tab under Configuration. It is recommended that you have the selections as listed below. (‘Comma’ and ‘Import text enclosed in double quotes.’). Click Save.
- Select the Fields tab to set up the arrangement of your data as it is listed in your file.
Reorder fields by selecting a field in the box (will turn orange). If the box is checked, it is in use. If you are not using the field, you can uncheck the box, and select the arrows to the right of the box to move it further down the list or drag and drop.
Move up the fields that you are using in your file. If you have extraneous fields on your file that you would like to keep, but are not necessarily used for import purposes, you can check a ‘Not Used’ field which is listed at the bottom and move it up into the correct position.
Default/Client Codes
- Under the Default/Client Codes tab, select the Compease default for each category including the below by selecting the radio button next to the default setting.
- Performance Ratings - We recommend these match between Compease and your HRIS system.
- Status
- Pay Basis
- Pay Frequency
- Options listed to the left are the descriptions shown in your Compease site for each section. Select the radio button in each section for the default setting if these fields are not completed on your spreadsheet.
- Click Save.
Please Note: The Client Codes cells are used to enter information from your spreadsheet that may appear differently in Compease, so that the system will match to the corresponding field. This is helpful if you use abbreviations, different names, or multiple values in your HRIS system than what is listed in Compease.
Multiple items can be entered into these fields if they are separated by a semicolon without spaces.
- Under Dept/Branch/Location, set a specific default from your current list of Departments, Branches, and Locations. For Department and Branch, the selection can be set to ‘None’ to assign this field at a later time.
If no changes are made to the Dept/Branch/Location screen, you will want to select Save to set the initial selections the first time you run a bridge, or the system will give you an error message.
- The Capitalization tab can be used as an optional way to run a conversion from your spreadsheet format to Compease, for example if your HRIS loads items in all capital letters.
You can also set specific words or titles to always appear in capital letter format, which can be helpful if using acronyms such as VP, CFO, or job titles and other areas of the program that should always be capitalized.
Current Pay Amount
- The Current Pay Amount tab can be used to run a conversion for the pay column on your spreadsheet if your HRIS tracks the data differently.
If no conversion is needed, choose No when answering if a conversion is needed.
If you do need to run a conversion to map the pay column to the correct format, select Yes in the conversion required field. Then, choose which item to convert from the choices in the bottom section.
You can also set the number of yearly hours to use for the conversion calculation, and a default hourly rate.
Compease requires any Non-Exempt employees to have their current pay recorded in an Hourly format, and any Exempt or Executive employees to have their pay in an Annual Salary format.
- The Miscellaneous tab can be used to tell the system how to read and import the fields on your file.
- The Data Options section provides options for a few important settings.
- By default, the Ignore the file header setting is applied to leave a header on your spreadsheet.
- Clear Employee Master Before Updating is selected by default. This will clear any data in Employee Master and import only those on your file.
By doing this, new employees can be added to Compease and terminated employees can be archived if they are not included in the spreadsheet.
Uncheck Clear Employee Master Before Updating to only add new employees to your existing data.
- Enter any Client Codes for Ethnicity and Gender if the spreadsheet data differs from the existing format in Compease. The system will match that field to the corresponding item in Compease.
- Select Save.
Preview & Import
- Once your Configuration and Codes are set up,
select Preview & Import.
- Select the Upload File tab.
- Choose the file you would like to upload by selecting Add File.
- Select Save.
- Click OK to Confirm.
The Preview & Import tab will automatically populate after uploading your file. If any errors or warnings are found during the upload, you will receive one of two Error Messages.
If the Configuration of your fields does not match the information listed in your file, you will get the following message:
Number of fields in configuration do not match with number of fields in import file or need reordered.
- If you have errors that need to be corrected prior to completing your bridge, you will receive the following message:
- Errors were found. Please correct the import data before updating the Compease master.
- Select OK to proceed with viewing any Warnings or Errors.