Manager Training - Getting Started

Managers - Employee Documents & Employee Goal Tools

Before diving into the appraisal process, it’s important to understand features accessed in Employee Documents, including Goals setup, if this is being utilized by your organization.  

Video: Employee Documents & Employee Goal Tools

Employee Documents > 
Performance History  

This is a central place in Performance Pro where all performance evaluation documentation is available.  

  • The Appraisals tab allows you to view current and past appraisals for each of your employees.   Upon selecting any one of the visible appraisals, you will be able to view the contents including any Core Values, Competencies, and/or Goals set up to evaluate the employee. There is also an option to print on this screen as well.  
    ph appraisal-1
  • If your company uses Forms, this page lists all current and completed forms for the employee.  For information on using Forms, there is a separate video/article that can be accessed. 
    ph forms-1
  • Notes are also housed here. There are a few different kinds of notes that can be used in the system including: 
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    • Log: Notes that are independent of an appraisal.  As a manager, you can add a note from this page and share it with the employee, so it also appears in his/her “Notes” list.   
    • Goal Note: A note entered in association with an assigned goal for the employee.   
    • Route Note: when an appraisal is routed, a note can be added to add context to the appraisal.  
  • Additional Documents is a great place to upload documentation from sources outside of Performance Pro such as training certificates or a project plan associated with a goal.   
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  • If the Peer Feedback feature is enabled, any employee can leave a comment for another employee.  When a comment is entered, that comment is viewable by the recipient on their Peer Feedback list.  Please view this article for more information on Peer Feedback.  
    ph peer-1
  • If the Learning tab is enabled, your organization has an integration with The Learning Center. Courses that are assigned to an employee will appear here. For more information about The Learning Center, we have additional videos and articles available to you. 
    ph learn-1

Employee Goal Tools is the central place in Performance Pro where employee goals will be set up and applied to the appraisal.   

You, as a manager, have the capability to add goals to the current appraisal under the Current Goals tab using the green Add Individual Goal button (or Add Business Goal button, if enabled) and then enter a goal name, description, and the goal weight. Next, set a goal due date and click save.  
manager add goal

goal info

If Future Goals need to be applied to the next appraisal period, these can be added under Future Goals.  

manager add future goal

You may also notice a tab called My Library that will allow you the ability to store goals that may be regularly assigned to your team year after year.  This article provides more details on this feature.   
