Performance Pro Employee Training
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Employee - Conducting an Appraisal, with video

In this article, we will walk through conducting a self-appraisal. The process is pretty straightforward, and we’ll walk through the basic steps from start to finish.    The video also walks you through it step-by-step.


Prior to working on an appraisal, please note: 

  • In the appraisal section, there are no save buttons because as you enter verbiage and change text, it saves automatically.    
  • Open Performance Pro in one browser tab only.  Do not open Performance Pro in multiple browser tabs or multiple browsers concurrently.

To begin, select the Appraisals tab. Here you’ll see what areas your company has selected to evaluate employees. In this example, we will show all three categories. Keep in mind, your company may call these by different names:

  • Core Values
  • Competencies
  • Goals

menu ee

Let's get started!

  • We’ll start with Core Values where you will see the name, description, the score bar and the level descriptions.  Each level has different and distinct descriptions which are critical to helping you select your score.   After you rate that item and add comments, click “Next” to take you through each one.  
    eval cv ee
  • Then, click Evaluate Competencies and go through the same process. Once finished, you will move on to Goals.     
    eval comp ee
  • In the Goals section, if you have set Action Steps applied for a goal; you will handle scoring that goal a little differently.   
    eval goal ee
  • If your company includes Goal Progress in the appraisal, a section will appear on this screen where both you and your manager can independently mark the progress. 
    progress ee
  • The next tab is Summary Comments where you can summarize your comments and/or add information your company has listed in this section.  Often Summary Comments contain open-ended questions, however, your company may include more specific items related to your progress or future goals.   
    summary ee

Please note: at any time, you can view the appraisal document by clicking “View Current Appraisal.” 

view current-1

At this point, you are done writing the appraisal.  Next, read this article next to learn how to finish the appraisal.