Performance Pro Employee Training
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Employee - Finish an Appraisal

These are the final steps to complete your self-appraisal.

Once you’ve completed the scores and comments in each area and are 100% sure the review is done, you are ready to finish the appraisal.  Under the Finish Appraisal menu item, click the Ready tab.  When all scores and comments in each area are completed, click Mark Ready.  ready ee

At this point, three things will immediately occur:

  • At this point, the review is instantly shifted into read-only mode.  If you need to edit the review after you click Mark Ready, ask your HR team to make the review editable again.  
  • Your self-appraisal is now available for your manager to review.  
  • A new appraisal has been launched for your next appraisal cycle.  As an example, if the appraisal you just completed had the date range of 1/1/2022 to 12/31/2022, then the new appraisal cycle will be 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023. 

Next, if your company uses the e-signature tool, please read this article on how to e-sign your appraisal.