The Succession dashboards are broken up into four parts: Identify, Compare, Development, and Tracking. This article covers the Compare dashboard. Make sure you have completed the tasks outlined in the “Succession: Identify” article first.
Succession: Compare
This report lets you compare individuals you have identified for succession by analyzing their goals and employee potential.
Upon opening Advanced Analytics (and running the Performance Pro V2.0 App), the overview of the standard sheets displays. Click on Succession: Compare.
Note: Alternatively, if you were on the “Succession: Identify” dashboard, you can click on the Sheets dropdown in the upper right corner and click on Succession: Compare.
No data will appear in the “Potential for Performance” area until “Assess Employee Potential” forms are marked complete within Performance Pro by appraisers.
To add the Assess Employee Potential form to your Forms list for Appraisers:
In Performance Pro, from the main menu click System Setup, Content Customization, then the Form Builder tab. Click the “Master” radio button.
From the “Available Forms” drop-down, click “Assess Employee Potential.”
Click “Copy to Company.”
The form will now appear in the list of forms available to appraisers to complete. Appraisers can add the form to the employee’s record from the Employee Documents > Performance History > Forms tab and then complete it. The scores from this form are used in the “Succession: Compare” and “Succession: Tracking” dashboards.
Applying Filters to the Succession: Compare Dashboard
Click in the Employee Status “Select Here” box, click Active, then the green checkmark. This will filter the data based on active employees.
Click in the Appraisal Process “Select Here” box, select the “default” appraisal process. This will filter out all appraisals except for the default.
From the “Appraisal Dates” header, select the date range(s) you want to filter by. Options to choose from include Appraisal Review Period, Appraisal End Year, and Appraisal Due Year. Click the option(s) to make your date selection. Also, select the “Yes” under the “Appraiser Complete Status” column, then click the green checkmark.
Select those employees you have identified previously and filter them from the “Employee” box. If you created a bookmark in the Succession Identification phase, you could click on it. When selections are made, those selections will populate the report.
The “Assess Employee Potential Form Date” field allows you to select and see data from a certain form completion date. This would be the date the form was marked “Complete” in Performance Pro. If multiple years are chosen, the scores displayed in the charts will be an average. It is advisable to choose form dates in line with appraisal period dates you have selected.
Note: Hover over any chart and the expansion arrows will display. Click to expand the chart to full screen if desired. You can also click and drag the chart to view certain areas better. Using the mouse roller bar will zoom the chart in and out.
The “Performance Trends” table displays the employee appraisal scores over time.
The “Goal Data Table” displays Appraiser comments that were made on each goal in the appraisal(s).
Columns include Period, Employee, Goal Name, Goal Comments-Appraiser, Appraiser, Goal Score, Avg. Potential Score, and Appraisal Process. The Avg Potential Score comes from the completed Assess Employee Potential forms.
The “Goal Achievement” chart displays goals by name along with the score given. If you applied appraisal period filters for multiple years, the scores displayed will be an average of the scores for those years.
The “Potential by Performance” chart shows employees and their scores on the default appraisal. The horizontal axis is the overall goal score from the appraisal. The vertical axis is the average potential score from the Assess Employee Potential form. Dots represent employees. Hover over a dot to display the employee’s name, overall goal score, and average potential score.
High performers are in the top right quadrant. Click on a dot (or multiple dots) to drill down on specific employee(s) and all charts will populate with just the selected employee data.
Please read the “Succession Planning Data-Development” article for information on the next dashboard in the career planning series.
The report can easily be exported. Refer to the article “Advanced Analytics – Downloading/Exporting Data” here for information.