Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics: Succession Planning Data - Tracking

The Succession dashboards are broken into four parts: Identify, Compare, Development, and Tracking. This article covers the Tracking dashboard. Follow instructions in “Succession: Identify,” “Compare,” and “Development" first.

Succession: Tracking

This report lets you track and develop your employee’s succession plan over time utilizing the Assess Employee Potential forms, the customized appraisal process development plan, as well as Default appraisals.

Upon opening Advanced Analytics (and running the Performance Pro V2.0 App), the overview of the standard sheets displays. Click on Succession: Tracking.

Note: Alternatively, if you were on the “Succession: Development” dashboard, you can click on the Sheets dropdown in the upper right corner and click on Succession: Tracking.

Applying Filters to the Succession: Tracking Dashboard

Note: If you created a bookmark in the Succession Development phase, you could click on it. When selections are made, those selections will populate the report.

Click in the Employee Status “Select Here” box, click Active, then the green checkmark. This will filter the data based on active employees.

From the “Appraisal Dates” header select the date range(s) you want to filter by. Options to choose from include Appraisal Review Period, Appraisal End Year, and Appraisal Due Year. Click the option(s) to make your date selection. Also, select the “Yes” under the “Appraiser Complete Status column, then click the green checkmark.

Click in the Appraisal Process “Select Here” box, select the Development Plan appraisal process you created for this purpose and the Default annual appraisal.


Select the name of those employees you are developing for succession planning from the Employee filter and click the green check mark.

The charts will display the scores over time.

The” Employee Potential Trends” chart displays the average score on each Assess Employee Potential form for the selected dates.

The “Development Plan Performance Trends” chart displays employee appraisal scores over time on the Development Plan appraisal process.

The “Performance Trends” chart displays employee appraisal scores over time on the default appraisal.

The report can easily be exported. Refer to the article “Advanced Analytics – Downloading/Exporting Data” here for information.