
As an Employee, Work on Your Appraisal Throughout the Year

Don't wait until your appraisal meeting to get involve in the review process. Understand how you will be appraised including what factors (or competencies) and goals will be included, how they will be defined, which are weighted more heavily, and which are the most important to your boss. Make sure you know how your success will be measured and how you can easily demonstrate that you have met or exceeded your assignments.

Remember that a key part of your appraisal success is for you to understand your supervisor's personality, management style and what he/she values most. Some goals and activities are more important to your organization and your boss than others. Make sure that you identify those and focus your time and energy on them.

Be sure to communicate your progress and successes throughout the year. If you've completed certain tasks, make it known. While you don't want to be seen as obnoxiously self-promoting, managers aren't always aware of the good things you do. If you're having trouble completing something, make that known as well. It's better to keep your boss informed along the way so that deadlines or tasks can be altered as situations require. Don't wait until your appraisal meeting to convey that you didn't finish a goal.

Participate in Developing Your Goals and Development Plan

Willing and enthusiastic participation in the appraisal process conveys a positive impression and demonstrates that you want to improve and contribute to the organization. Participating in the process also gives you some control, helps incorporate your input, and lets you evaluate yourself on things you think are the most important and fair.

Your involvement lets you be proactively involved in your own career development and planning. It lets you make your feelings known regarding the responsibilities you'd like to undertake and plan what you need to do to get there. Productive dialogue about your job can also improve communication and perhaps your relationship with your manager. Finally, your manager should appreciate your involvement. It can make his job easier.