Employee Frequently Asked Questions

Update your TLC profile

You may occasionally need to update your profile, such as if you need to change your password or want to update the photo that’s displayed on your TLC dashboard.

To update your profile, do the following:

  1. Select profile settings Profile settings from the TLC 360 Pro menu bar. The Edit my profile screen opens.
  2. Edit any of the profile fields, as necessary. To update your password, enter a new password, then enter it again in the Password confirmation field. 
  3. To add or update the picture that’s shown on your TLC dashboard, click Change in the Profile picture field, then do the following:
    1. Click Choose File, select the file you want to use as your profile picture, then click Upload to upload.
    2. Use the slider to increase or reduce the size of the photo, and/or click and drag the photo to reposition it. If required, click Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical, Rotate left or Rotate right to reposition the photo.
    3. When you’re satisfied with the photo, click Okay.
  4. Click Update to save the changes to your profile.