Performance Pro

Update Goal in Goal Library

If we have goals in our Goal Library we intend to use for 2022, can we update the due dates or will that mess up what was there for 2021? Or do I need to create a new goal with the same content, but updated due date?

In order to push out changes to a goal through the Goal Library, the goal needs to be locked down. Lock Name, Lock Description, Lock Action Steps, Lock Weight, Lock Due date, Lock To Employee must all be checked and saved.  See below. 
goal library1
You can use the same goal for 2022, but you will want to make sure all 2021 appraisals have been completed before updating the date. 

Once all 2021 reviews have been marked "Complete," you can change the due date and select "Sync to individual assignments."  If the goal was not locked down before assigned, this feature will not work.

goal library2

If you would like to use this feature going forward, a new goal will need to be created with a slightly different name and fully locked.