The Learning Center – Manager Training – New Interface
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  2. The Learning Center – Manager Training – New Interface

Approving Registration Requests For Classroom Courses

Approving Registration Requests for ILT courses help for Managers and Administrators.

To obtain a list of employees who have requested to be registered for a course or exam:
  • Select Learning Curriculum from the Admin menu and then select ILT Courses, under the Required tab.
  • To reduce the list of records displayed to just those requiring approval, select the Status Filter icon. When the various filters appear select ‘Requested’ then click Save Filters.

The search list will shorten to only those courses awaiting approval.

  • Select the ellipsis under Actions and click Approve or Deny

    If Approve is selected, the course will show as Registered on the ILT screen.  If Deny is selected, the schedule will be completely removed from the site. To review additional functions for ILT, please see our ILT FAQ article.