The Learning Center – Manager Training – New Interface
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  2. The Learning Center – Manager Training – New Interface

Schedule Courses from the Learning Curriculum For Managers

If you have access to your direct reports, as a manager, you have the ability to also schedule courses from the Learning Curriculum.

Select Learning Curriculum from the Manager Dashboard.

Learning Curriculum will show four tabs of Courses for your employees including:

  • Required
  • Recommended
  • Overdue
  • Completed 

Each section will house an Individual Course list assigned to your employees based on the Status.

Select Add New to schedule new course assignments.

The pop up will provide the list of library courses that can be selected to assign using the checkboxes.

Use the Search bar to search for additional courses. Selected courses to be assigned will populate on the right side. Scroll down to move on to Select Employees.

Next, indicate the Employees that are being assigned the course(s) by selecting the checkboxes. Search for additional employees using the Search bar. Selected Employees will populate on the right side and can be removed if changes need to be made. Scroll down to move on to Select Due Dates.

If the course is already assigned to the selected employee, a notification will populate indicating this. Select a Due Date or new Due Date if needed.

Mark the selected course as Required using the checkbox to the right of the course title.

*Please Note: Overwrite Options will allow you to Overwrite existing course assignments for employees selected, potentially allowing the ability to overwrite completed course records. Most commonly, No Overwrites would be selected.*

Select Assign Course(s) or use the Back icon to make changes.

Confirmation will be received indicating that the selected courses have been assigned to the employees.