
Salary Structure - Add, Edit, Import (Compease Starter)

Compease Starter

Settings-->Salary Structure

The application is designed for you to build your own salary structure and salary ranges. It is formatted to allow you to enter a custom minimum, midpoint, and maximum. Hourly and salary midpoints will automatically calculate based on a standard 40-hour work week.  

Manually create your salary structure:

  • Salary Structure
  • Add Salary Data
  • Create Grade Label
  • Enter Grade Minimum, Midpoint, and Maximum or Just the Midpoint
  • Save


Importing your salary structure:

Salary structure import template is available for download in the application.

  • Upload File
  • Click here to download

  • Enter Grade, Minimum, Midpoint, and Maximum or just the Midpoint
  • New Grade Label gives you the option to change Grade Label through the import. If you are not changing the Grade Label, leave column blank.
  • Enter your Full Salary Structure, Grade Label Changes, or new Salary Structures only.

Current Salary Structure can be downloaded.

  • Salary Structure
  • Click CSV
    • NOTE: If you are using your current salary structure as your template, add the column Grade Label Change and leave column blank if there are no changes.



  • Upload File
  • Add File (Select file from your network)
  • Save
  • Ok