Employee Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Resume a Course?

If you’re interrupted while working on a course, you can resume where you left off at any time. When you restart the course, you will be asked if you want to continue from where you left off, or restart from the beginning. 

You can only resume courses. Assessments (exams) must always be started from the beginning, even if you have completed or partially completed it in the past. 

To restart a course, do the following:

  1. Select the module that contains the course you want to resume from your Training Plan box on the TLC dashboard.


    Open the category on the home screen that contains the module you want to work on, then select the module. 

  2. When the module description appears, click the Course icon to open the course. A message appears, asking whether you want to resume the course from where you left off, or restart it from the beginning.

    resume a course1

  3. Click OK if you want to return to where you left off, OR click Cancel if you prefer to start the course from the beginning.

If there is no option to resume a course, this is an indicator that you should start the course over from the beginning.