Performance Pro - Content Management - New Interface

Performance Pro - Restoring Default Performance Level Titles and Descriptions - New Interface

By following these steps, titles, descriptions, ranges and performance level descriptions will be restored to the original settings. Please the video below for a walk-through of the process.

Note: If you select and save Default Levels, the previous customization you have performed in Performance Pro will be removed.  Anytime you are making changes to the Performance Pro system configuration, ensure there are no appraisals in progress before making the change. If you have any questions about restoring default values, please contact our Performance Pro Client Experience Team.

The video below walks through the process of restoring the original default performance level titles and descriptions.

To restore the default language for Core Value, Competency, Goal Levels or Final Scores and Ranges:

Click System Configuration, then Content Management.

From the Level Configuration section, click Default Levels, then View Default Levels.

Level Descriptions SS 3

Click Restore Default Levels.

Click Yes on the warning message and then Save.

The original titles, descriptions, and final scores and ranges will be restored. Repeat the process on the other tabs as desired.

Performance Pro Defaults

Default Core Value and Competency Level Descriptions

5 = High Performer

4 = Valued Performer

3 = Contributor

2 = Needs Improvement

1 = Unacceptable

Default Goal Level Descriptions

5 = Exceeds: All aspects of the goal have been achieved. Performance exceeded expectations.

4 = High Meets: All major aspects of the goal have been achieved. Performance met expectations.

3 = Mid Meets: Significant progress has been made in completing major aspects of the goal.

2 = Low Meets: Marginal progress has been made, but major aspects of the goal are incomplete.

1 = Needs Improvement: Little or no progress has been made toward completion of this goal.

Default Final Scores and Ranges

5 = High Performer 4.20-5.00

4 = Valued Performer 3.50-4.19

3 = Contributor 3.00-3.49

2 = Needs Improvement 2.50-2.99

1 = Unacceptable 0.00-2.49