Compease Release Notes

Release Notes September 2021-Compease


This release of Compease and Compease Starter impacts several areas of the application. Highlights include:

What’s New?

1. Enhanced User Security

2. New Administrative rights

3. Merging Merit Supervisor and Supervisor roles

4. Ability to be an admin and a supervisor with a budget

5. Reporting for administrative rights

Bug Fixes:

1. Supervisors unable to view Archived Employees

2. Client logo on the base salary statement

Enhanced User Security/Admin Roles

With the 2170 Release, users will have the ability to be assigned multiple access roles.

Eliminate Merit Supervisor and Replace with Supervisor

With this release, the user security role, Merit Supervisor will be replaced with the Supervisor role. In this role, the supervisor will have the following privileges:

1. Read only access to all direct reports in Employee Maintenance

2. If downline view is active, the Supervisor will have read only access to anyone in the reporting line

3. Read only access to any job description that reports through them. (Job Description MUST be added by an administrative user)

4. If access to a merit plan is assigned, the user will have access to the merit plan. Merit plan access must be assigned on a per plan basis.

To set a supervisor role:

1. Login as an administrative user

2. Select User Information

3. Select Supervisor Access

4. Use transfer table to move supervisor from left side to right side

5. Select Save

Anyone assigned as a Supervisor in User Security is available as a supervisor in the supervisor selector in Employee Maintenance. Company MUST select Supervisors in User Security to have access to Compease.

Unit Administrative Access

The unit admin privilege acts like a full administrator, with only have the privilege to the read or write to the unit to which the user has access.

For clients integrated with Performance Pro, the unit admin privilege to add or edit employees remains in Performance Pro user Security.

Privileges for Unit Admins:

1. Add/Edit an employee to the assigned unit (If the client is not integrated with Performance Pro)

2. Terminate employees from employee maintenance

3. View archived employees within the unit

4. Reinstate users to the unit

5. Read only access to Job Maintenance and the Job reports within the unit

6. Access to Employee Reports

7. Access to salary and compa ratio reports for the employees within the unit

Assigning Unit Privileges

1. Login as an administrative user

2. Select User Information

3. Select Unit Admin Access

4. Use transfer table to move admin from left side to right side

5. Select Save

Administrative Access:

Select Administrative rights to Compease are assigned through Admin Access. The following admin rights are assigned on this tab:

1. Company admin: Full administrative access, no restrictions

2. EM-all: Ability to edit all employee data for all employees

3. EM- EXEC – Ability to edit all employees except for those classified as Executive

4. EM – No Salary: Ability to edit and view employee data except for salary data

5. EM – Reports Only: Ability to access employee reports

6. Executive View: Read only access to all of Compease

7. JDescM – All: Grants the ability to edit companywide Job Descriptions

8. JM – All: Ability to edit all Job Maintenance area

9. JM – Reports Only: Grants access to only Job Maintenance reports

10. MM – ALL Grants access to all merit plans and associated reports

Users may be permitted to access more than one administrative access level: IE: A user may be both a JM – ALL and JM- Reports only access. With this access a user will have access to all reports and can maintain job evaluations and descriptions.

Assigning Admin Access:

1. User Information

2. Admin Access

3. Select type of access from the dropdown

4. Use transfer table to assign access

5. Save

Using the Role Selector

The role selector tool will allow a user to navigate between different levels of privilege. The login page will display at the user’s highest level of privilege and the user navigates through Compease and Compease Starter using the left-hand navigation menu. To select a new role, select the role from the drop-down selector on the left side of the page.

Access Level Report

The Access Level Report has been developed to provide administrative users with an audit report to determine all user access levels. The report is available as a .CSV download.

To access the report:

1. User Information

2. Access Level Report

3. Select .CSV download or Use the Search box to search for a specific user.

Client Logo on Base Salary Statement

The base salary statement report will now be branded with an uploaded client logo

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