Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Release Notes - November 2021- PP RC-2130

Released November 9, 2021

New Mass Routing Approval Feature

A new feature, Mass Routing Approval, is being added with this release that will allow a user to mass approve forms and appraisals (both default and concurrent) that have been routed to them. Mass Approval is available to Admins, Company Unit Admins, Upline Approvers, and Appraisers.

The following changes have been made to the “Routed Items” and “Routed Items Inbox” widgets.

  • A new “View All” dropdown has been added. The dropdown selector will display the selections of: View All, Default, Appraisal Process, and Form. The default for the dropdown will be to View All types of documents. You can change this by selecting a different option.

  • A “Search” box has been added. Type in any combination of two or more characters and the search will return all matches. The only field that the search works with is the “Name” column. The search will bring up all currently routed (to you) items for that name.

  • There is a checkbox to the left of each item so it can be selected (to include) or unselected (to not include) in the mass routing approval. The default will be for all items to be selected.

  • An export feature has also been added. Click the “Review CSV” button and data from all selected items from the widget will export to a .csv file.

Mass Approving Items

When the “Mass Approval” setting is enabled, a new “Mass Approval” button will appear in the “Routed Items” and “Routed Items Inbox” widget headers. When the button is clicked, the option will be given to mass approve the selected appraisals/forms in the widget. Click “Yes” to mass approve the items. Once confirmed the items will follow the current routing rules to move to the next person or complete the route.

Route History

A new status of “Mass Approved” has been added to the routing history tables of forms and appraisals. This status will display when mass approval was used. If an Admin or Company Unit Admin performed the mass approval on behalf of another approver, the “Status Note” column will indicate it was approved in place of the appraiser.


A new status of “Mass Approved” has been added to the Routing-Forms report and the Routing-Appraisals report.

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