Compease Release Notes

Release Notes July 2021


This release of Compease and Compease Starter impacts several areas of the application. Highlights include:

What’s New?

1. Removed the spell check from the tool bar

2. Added a new custom field (Formerly Sort field) that is importable and validated

3. Branch field name change

4. Import documents are trimmed

5. Eliminate full name option for import

6. Replace Supervisor Name with Supervisor ID for import documents

Bug Fixes:

1. Admins not permitted to override merit increases until supervisor has approved

2. Resized pop up message when uploading employee data

3. Removed duplicate record error on Employee Maintenance report

4. Added Delete button to archived employee record.

Custom Field in Employee Maintenance

New Custom Field, this replaces the Sort Field. This field will now be entered into Company Settings or entered through the data import files. The custom field values will be entered through an data import or through the drop down selector in the field.

Company Settings/Custom Fields/Add Custom Field

Branch field renamed Branch/Division

Update to the Import/Databridge Documents:

In order to ease the implementation of HRIS integration and eliminate duplicate supervisor names, the following changes have been made to the import template:

  • Add User Name field

  • Replace full name option with last name, first name, and middle initial fields

  • Replace Supervisor name with Supervisor User ID

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