Quickstart Guides

Preparing Data for Import

Data to be imported into TLC must be in a particular format. Before you begin the import process, use the sections below to determine which fields your spreadsheet must contain, and which fields are optional. It is not mandatory that the fields (columns) in your spreadsheet have the same names as the fields in TLC, or that they are in the same order. It is mandatory that all required data exist in your spreadsheet, and that it be consistent.

The system will not accept special characters, formatting, and requires the document be saved in Excel (.xlsx) format.

For example, the employees listed below hold the same position and work at the same branch, but the data has not been entered consistently:

Change the data so that the position and branch information is consistent, as shown here:

Once you have prepared the data for import, follow the instructions below to complete the import process.

Select the type of data you want to import into TLC: