Performance Pro - Employee Training - New Interface
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Performing a Self-Appraisal

How to perform a self-appraisal from start to finish.    Please follow the steps below and as illustrated in the video.


NOTE: Prior to working on an appraisal, please note: 

  • In the appraisal section, there are no save buttons because the data saves automatically.    
  • Do not open Performance Pro in multiple browser tabs or multiple browsers at the same time. Open only one instance of Performance Pro in one browser tab. 

To begin, logged in as an employee, click Appraisals & Forms.

To start or continue the appraisal, click Open on the appraisal card.


Performance Pro will open to the first type of item to evaluate. In this example, we will show all three possible types of items. Your choices may vary depending on your company setup:

  • Core Values
  • Competencies
  • Goals

  • Ensure the first section is selected. In our example we'll start with Core Values.
  • You will see the name, weight, description, the scoring bar and the level descriptions. 

  • Click on the scoring bar to rate the item.
  • Add comments (if desired or required) in the Employee Comment box.
  • Scroll down to rate the next item in this category. When all items are rated, click Next to move to the next area of the appraisal. 
  • In the Competencies, area go through the same process.  

  • When all competencies are rated, click Next to move to the Goals area.
  • In the Goals area, go through the same process.

  • If there are action steps assigned to a goal, view those by clicking View Action Steps.


If your company requires each action step to be rated, you will see rating dropdowns. Give each action step a score. Click Close. The ratings will combine to assign a score for the goal. You can edit this assigned score if your company settings allow.


If your company includes Goal Progress in the appraisal, a section will appear on the Goals screen where both you and your manager can independently mark the progress. Use the up/down arrows or click the inner circle to adjust the percentage of completion. The appraiser will use the outer circle.

Goal progress will display on the evaluation screen.

Add comments (if desired or required) in the Employee Comment box.

Scroll down to rate the next goal. When all goals are rated, click Next to move to the next area of the appraisal. 

In Summary Comments, populate the available fields as appropriate.


There may be a variety of fields available (comment fields, check boxes, drop-down menus, etc.) depending on how your organization has customized this screen.

When all items are rated and all comments are entered, click Next: Mark Ready to finish your self-appraisal. 

Review the Appraisal Checklist to ensure all scores and comments are present.


If comments are a requirement in your system, you will not be able to Mark Ready until comments are entered for each item.

Click Mark Ready for Meeting.

Click Next: View Full Appraisal if you’d like view/print/pdf a copy of your self-appraisal.


After marking ready, three things will immediately occur:

  • The review is instantly shifted into read-only mode.  If you need to edit the review after you have marked it ready, ask your HR team to make the review editable again.  
  • Your self-appraisal is now available for your manager to review.  
  • A new appraisal has been launched for your next appraisal cycle.   

Next, if your company uses the e-signature tool, you will be notified to e-sign the appraisal once your manager is finished with it.   

To e-sign, logged in as an employee, click Appraisals & Forms.

Scroll down to the Historical Appraisals & Forms area. Items needing a signature display a red icon. Click the icon.

Select Agree or Disagree and enter comments if desired.


If you mark Agree, comments are optional. If you mark, Disagree, you will be required to add a comment before you can complete the signature. Once saved, your appraiser will receive an email notifying them of the comment.

Click Sign.