Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update v3.19.9

Released on October 24, 2019

Updates include:
 - Changes to the routing function
 - Multi-Appraiser changes
 - New Tri-Annual Option for Appraisal Frequency
- Changes to the “My Items” Widget
Employees Adding Current Goals
 - New Weekly Hours Field on Salary tab
Customized Appraisal Completion Message
 - New Customizable Term: Comment
 - Importable Performance Level in Integrated Performance Pro/Compease Systems

Changes to the Routing Function

Routing of Forms

When a form is routed, the status of the route will display on the Pending button on the Performance History > Forms tab. Two new statuses have been added with this release - Routing Expired, which will appear if the routing process expired without a response from one or more of the routing recipients, and Routing Complete, which will display if all participants approved the item, approved it with edits, or were skipped during the routing process.

In addition to the new status options, the following options are still available: “Not Routed,” which appears if the form has not been routed; Not All Participants Approved the Routing, which appears if someone has not approved the form; and Routing was Bypassed, which appears if the Routing Not Required button was clicked on the form.

Routing History Table

The Routing History Table, which details the routing process of an appraisal, appears in two locations - Appraisals > Finish Appraisal > Route tab, and Employee Documents > Performance History > Select Appraisal > Route Information button. The changes below have been made to the table.

  • Role column will display the full title of the role of the person approving the appraisal (Upline Level 2, Upline Level 3, Department Administrative User, Administrative User, etc.)

  • Name column will display the name of the person approving the appraisal.

  • Status column will display the approval choice that was selected (Approved, Approved with Edits, Approved without Signature, Skip, or Expired.)

  • Note column will contain the text “Approved in place of (user routed to)” if not approved by the user the route was sent to.

All Routing Stopped if Routing Method is Changed

If the “Routing Method” is changed on the System Setup > Routing Setup screen for either appraisals or forms, a message will now appear stating that if you proceed, routing will be stopped on all the items (appraisals or forms) that are currently routed. You have the option to choose “Yes” to proceed with the change or “No” to cancel the change.

Routing Disabled

If “Disabled” is chosen from the “Routing Method” or “Forms Routing Method” dropdowns, the “Appraisals” and “Forms” checkboxes in the “Require Routing” section will be grayed out/inactive. If a method other than “Disabled” is chosen, the checkboxes will become active again.

Routing Note Icon in Widget

Previously, if you clicked on a note on an appraisal in your “Routing Inbox,” you would be redirected to the Employee Documents > Performance History > Notes tab to view the note.  You would then need to navigate back to the Home screen to approve the appraisal. With this release, the note will open in a pop-up window. When the window is closed, you will still be on the Home screen and can proceed with the approval.

Multi-Appraiser Changes

Multi-Appraiser View added to Default Appraisal View Choices

If the Multi-Appraiser function is activated, a new option, “Multi-Appraiser View,” will be added to the list of possible appraisal views to set as your default.  When this setting is selected, Administrators, appraisers, and upline appraisers will see the Multi-Appraiser view by default when they click the View Current Appraisal button on any of the appraisal screens or when they view the appraisal anytime post-merge from Performance History. This will allow users to easily see Multi-Appraiser input on appraisals.

Employee View Multi-Appraiser 

If you are using the Multi-Appraiser feature and would like those in the “employee” role to be able to see input from Multi-Appraisers, you can select the new “EE View MA Appraisal” option, found on the System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings > Hide and Show area. When checked, an employee (a user in the “employee” role) will be allowed to choose “Multi-Appraiser” view from the “View” dropdown when viewing an appraisal.

Miscellaneous Changes

New Tri-Annual Option for Appraisal Frequency

A new “Tri-Annually” appraisal frequency option has been added to the “Appraisal Frequency” dropdown on the Employee Data screen. This frequency will schedule an appraisal three times a year (every 120 days).

Changes to the “My Items” Widget

The My Items widget displays goals and appraisals (both default and concurrent) that are coming due for the employee logged in to the application.  Administrative User’s now have the capability to choose from among the following dates to be applied to the contents of the widget: Due Date; Self Appraisal Due Date; or End Date.

Previously, only the name of the item and the due date appeared in the widget. The following changes have been made:

  • The Date column has been retitled “Due Date;”

  • The Name column has been retitled “Item” and will display either “appraisal” or “goal;”

  • The new Name column will display the name of the primary appraiser - if the item is an appraisal - or the name of the user who added the goal - if the item is a goal; and

  • The Title column will display the name of the goal, if the item is a goal.

 Appraisals and goals will disappear from the widget, when the appraisal is marked “Ready for Meeting.” Goals will also disappear if they are marked “Complete” or set at 100% progress if using the Goal Progress feature.

Employees Adding Current Goals

Previously, when self-appraisals were disabled, employees could not add current goals, even if the “Add Current” option was turned on in System Setup > Company Settings > Goal Settings. With this release, when the “Add Current” option is on, employees may add current goals, regardless of the self-appraisal setting.

New Weekly Hours Field on Salary tab

A new field titled Weekly Hours has been added to the Manage Employees > Employee Data > Salary tab. If you have a stand-alone Performance Pro system, the field will be editable for a numeric value. If you have an integrated Performance Pro system with Compease, the field value will be mapped from the Weekly field in Compease and will be a read-only field in Performance Pro.

Customized Appraisal Completion Message

Administrative Users now have the ability to customize the message that displays next to the Complete button on the Appraisals > Finish Appraisal > Complete tab. The message is customized on the System Setup > Company Settings > Custom Terms tab. However, if the “Deactivate Appraisal Completion” feature is on, you will not be able to customize this message.

New Customizable Term - Comment

Administrative Users now have the ability to customize the term “Comment” which appears on all evaluation screens. The term is customized on the System Setup > Company Settings > Custom Terms tab.

Knowledge Base Content Only Available to Administrative Users

The icon to access the Knowledge Base (Tools and Tips) has been removed from the toolbar for all users. This content is now only available to Administrative Users through a link in the Support menu.

Importable Performance Level in Integrated Performance Pro/Compease Systems

When the employee history/appraisals record in Performance Pro does not contain a completed default appraisal, the Administrative Users can now import a Performance Level into Compease to be used for budgeting and planning of merit increases. 

However, if a user attempts to import a Performance Level AND the employee has a completed default appraisal in Performance History, Performance Pro will return an error during the import validation stating that the employee has a completed default appraisal and the line will be skipped. 

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