Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update v3.19.17

Released on 3/11/2021

Net Promoter Score

If you are a Performance Pro client whose system has been set up in the last 180 days, and at least 90 days have passed since the first Administrative User accepted the Terms of Service, then each Administrator will see the following, upon logging in:

"How likely are you to recommend Performance Pro to a friend or colleague (10 being most likely and 0 being least likely)?"

Once you select a number, a “Continue” button will appear. Click Continue to proceed to the Home screen. If you click Defer without selecting a number, you will proceed to the Home screen and the question will appear again in 30 days without the option to defer.

Sorting Appraisal Process Table

Additional sorting possibilities have been added to the System Setup > Appraisal Process > Appraisal Process table for easier assignment of concurrent appraisal processes to find employees. The table can now be sorted by employee name, position, hire date/in position, department, location, or division. Sorting is performed by clicking on the column header. This will sort the table A-Z by the column header that was clicked. Clicking it again will sort Z-A by the same column header.

Note: The columns can only be sorted by 1 primary sort order, so each column selected will overwrite any previous selections.

Merit Increase-Merit Matrix Enhancements

Merit Increase Display Setting

A new option is available to display the current pay, projected pay, and the salary increase $ and % on the default appraisal screens for the Appraiser(s) and Administrators. When “Hide Merit Matrix” is not checked on System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings, a sub-setting will appear to “Display Increase $ and % on the Appraisal.” If “Hide Merit Matrix” is checked, the new option will not appear.

When enabled, new fields for “Current Pay $” and “Projected Increase & Pay” will display on the right side of the evaluation screens. Data for these fields comes from the Adjust Merit Pay table. These fields will update automatically as the appraisal score changes if the calculation trigger is set to CURRENT and the new score affects the calculation.

If one asterisk appears beside the future salary amount, this indicates that there is a proposed adjustment in the “Proposed Adjustment $” field on the AMP table. If two asterisks appear, this indicates that there is a figure in the “Lump Sum $” field.

For the new fields to appear on the evaluation screens, the following must occur:

“Hide Salary” must not be checked in Company Settings.

“View Salary Data” must be checked for the appraiser on their Employee Data tab.

“Current” must be selected as the appraisal type to use for merit increase calculations.

Changes to Merit Increase Calculation Trigger

A date/timestamp and name of the user making the selection will now display when a calculation trigger is selected.

If “Current” is selected, the following will occur:

Any score change to the default appraisal (for hourly or salaried employees) will automatically update the Score field on the AMP table.

The Projected Increase %, Projected Increase $, Lump Sum $, Pay $, Future Pay $, and Future Lump Sum $ fields will automatically adjust, if applicable.

If the Projected fields update and there is a $ value in the Proposed Adjustment $ field, the Future Pay $ and Lump Sum $ will update accordingly.

If “Last Completed” or “Cumulative” is selected, the following will occur:

When a default appraisal is marked “Complete” or when a Cumulative appraisal is created, the “Score” field on the AMP table will automatically update.

The Projected Increase %, Projected Increase $, Lump Sum $, Pay $, Future Pay $, and Future Lump Sum $ fields will automatically adjust, if applicable.

“Proposed Adjustment $” and “Note” fields will clear when the employee has a new “Last Completed” default appraisal or Cumulative appraisal.

When changes are made to the following Salary or Merit fields on the “Employee Data” screen, merit calculations will update automatically:

· Pay Rate

· Weekly Hours

· Pay Grade Mid

· Pay Grade Max

· Merit Pay Multiplier

· Pro-Ration

Merit Increases Display on a Complete Default Appraisal

Assuming all settings are activated, as previously outlined, when an employee’s default appraisal is marked “Complete,” the “Current Pay $” and “Projected Increase & Pay” fields will display on the last page of the appraisal. If the appraisal is uncompleted at any time, all references to pay and the increase will be removed from the appraisal.

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