Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update v3.17

Released on September 20, 2018

Changes to Calendar Recurrence in Calendar Invites

With this release, users can now select their time zone when setting up calendar invite/appointment times.

Time zone options are based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Your time zone is determined by the difference between it and UTC. Select your time zone from the list of options. As an example, if you are in the Mountain time zone, you would select UTC-6:00.

The fields for start and end time now display in 15-minute increments and are listed in a 12-hour (AM/PM) format. Values entered in the duration field will automatically apply to the end time, based on the start time.

Unicode Characters

The following characters have been added to Performance Pro and will display when appropriate in Reports and Appraisal Documents: 

a á e é i í o ó ö ő u ú ü ű

Multi-Appraiser Ability to Upload Documents

Administrative Users can now give Multi-Appraisers the ability to add, edit, and view documents on the Performance History > Additional Documents tab. Options can be managed by Administrative Users on the System Setup > Multi-Appraiser Setup > Appraisal Setup tab and will function as follows:

  • When the Add checkbox is selected, the Multi-Appraiser will be able to add additional documents to the selected employee.  

  • When the View checkbox is selected, the Multi-Appraiser will be able to view all additional documents and the associated document descriptions that have been added to the employee. 

  • When the Edit checkbox is selected, the Multi-Appraiser will be able to edit the description of any additional documents they have added (they will not be able to edit the descriptions of additional documents added by other users). 

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