Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update v3.13.1

Released on June 14, 2018


As part of this release, some enhancements have been made to the Routing feature. The changes to this feature include:

Post Approval Lock/Unlock

Note: Post Approval Lock applies to all appraisals, including non-default appraisals if Concurrent Appraisals is turned on in Company Settings.

A new Post Approval Lock feature has been added to limit edits after an appraisal is approved by the routing recipients during the routing process. The feature will work with the following routing methods:
post approval lock 4-6-22-1

  • Auto Route: When the appraisal is Approved, Approved with Edits, Approved without Signature, or Skipped (Administrative User function only) by the last person in the routing path, the appraisal will be locked from further editing by the appraiser and all upline managers who lack downline edit. An upline manager with Downline Edit can still edit the appraisal.  

  • Manual Route: When the appraisal is Approved, Approved with Edits, Approved without Signature, or Skipped (Administrative User function only) by the first person to whom it was routed, the appraisal will be locked from further editing by the appraiser and all non-AU upline managers who lack downline edit. The appraisal can be routed additional times for approval. An upline manager with Downline Edit can still edit the appraisal.  

  • Not Approved: When Require Routing is activated, and any routing recipient does not approve (in both auto and manual routing), the appraisal will not be locked and will return to the appraiser, clearing any approval statuses of other routing recipients. However, routing notes will be retained.

When Post-Approval Lock is activated, an Unlock button will appear for the Administrative User on the Routing tab of the Finish Appraisal screen. This enables the Administrative User to unlock a locked appraisal for editing by the appraiser and persons in the upline with downline edit.

The button will be active when the routing process has been completed with an approved status (Approved, Approved with Edits, Approved Without Signature, or Skipped).

When clicked, the following message will appear:

When OK is clicked, the appraisal will be unlocked for editing by the appraiser and persons in the upline with downline edit. The routing status and history will be cleared and return the appraisal to the pre-route status.

Expired Pop-Up Box

When the routing on an appraisal expires with no response, a pop-up box will appear if the appraiser clicks the Route button on the Route tab again.
expired route-1

  • If the appraisal expired for one or more users in the routing path, the pop-up box will include the option of routing to only those for whom the routing expired.

  • If the appraisal was marked Not Approved, no pop-up box will appear. The appraisal will route to the first person in the routing path, starting the routing process over.

  • If the appraisal expired for one or more users and was marked Not Approved by anyone in the routing path, no pop-up box will appear. The appraisal will route to the first person in the routing path, starting the routing over.


If a manager is skipped in the routing process by the Administrative User, this is treated as an Approval in the routing path.

Deactivate Route Button (Auto Route only)
When Routing is turned on (in System Setup > Company Settings) and Auto Route is selected (in System Setup > Routing Setup > Routing Method), a "Deactivate Route Button After Approval:" checkbox will appear.
route deactivate
If Deactivate Route Button After Approval is checked and saved, the Route button will be deactivated on the Finish Appraisal Route tab for non-admins, after the final person in the auto routing path marks Approved, Approved with Edits, Approved without Signature, or Skipped (Administrative User function only). This will prevent additional routing.

route disabled
If Concurrent Appraisals is turned on in Company Settings, the Deactivate Route Button setting will apply to both the default and non-default appraisals.

Search by Employee ID

A new search field - Employee ID - has been added to the employee selector tool. This is helpful to ensure you have the correct employee selected if you have more than one employee with the same name.

advanced searchemp id
Click the employee selector tool, click Advanced Search, and then enter the Employee ID number in the Employee ID field. The employee name will appear in the employee list from which it can be selected.

Hiding Features

With this release, several features/items can now be hidden.

Hide Peer Feedback

The Peer Feedback tab that appears on the Performance History screen can be hidden. It will be hidden from all users, including Administrative Users. 

peer feedback
To hide Peer Feedback, navigate to System Setup > Company Settings > Hide and Show area. Click the Hide Peer Feedback checkbox and click Save.

Peer Feedback could still be given if the Peer Feedback widget is on the Home screen, but recipients would not be able to view it.
hide peer feedback

Hide Configure Home for non-Admin Users

The Configure Home button that appears on the Home screen can be hidden from non-Administrative Users. When hidden, non-Administrative Users will not be able to adjust the widgets on the Home screen. To hide the button, navigate to the System Setup > Company Settings > Hide and Show area. Click the Hide Configure Home for Non-Admins checkbox and click Save.
configure home
hide configure home

Hide Next Appraisal

If Hide Next Appraisal is activated, the automatically generated appraisal for the next cycle will be hidden from appraisers and employees when the Complete button is clicked on the Finish Appraisal screen. It will be hidden in Performance History, on the My Current Appraisal button on the Home screen, and from the Appraisals menu. The setting will apply system-wide. Ideally, this would only be used if an organization completes all their appraisals at the same time each year. It allows the Administrative User to stop employees and appraisers from entering data for the next appraisal before the organization’s current appraisal cycle is completed.

When it is turned on, any current appraisal that already exists in the system will not be hidden. (See below for a way to manually hide these appraisals.) It will only apply when the existing appraisal is completed, and the next appraisal is auto- generated.

It will apply to the initial appraisal for new employees and terminated employees, upon reactivation.

hide next appraisal
Because Concurrent Appraisals do not cycle and produce a Next appraisal, this setting will not apply to Concurrent Appraisals.

When the organization is ready to give users access to the new current appraisals, the Administrative User will click the Launch Appraisal button in Company Settings > Appraisal Settings. This will immediately allow all active employees and their appraisers to access the current appraisal.

Manually Hide Current Appraisal

As explained above, when Hide Next Appraisal is turned on, any current appraisal that already exists in the system will not be hidden. However, an Administrative User can open these current appraisals and manually hide them. 

Open a current appraisal from Performance History and click the Hide Appraisal button at the top of the appraisal. The appraisal will then remain hidden until the Launch Appraisal button is clicked by the Administrative User in Company Settings. The Hide Appraisal button will only appear for Administrative Users if the Hide Next Appraisal feature is activated.
hide appraisal

Note:  Customization of the term “Appraisal” will apply to the Launch Appraisal and Hide Appraisal buttons.

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