Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update v3.13-Core Values

Released on June 7, 2018

What's New?

The 3.13 release adds a few exciting new features to Performance Pro. The first is the ability to add a new section to your appraisals. The current appraisal sections are Factors and Goals. This new feature allows you to add a third section titled Core Values. This title can be customized to a term appropriate for your organization.

The second feature is the ability to add additional types of appraisals, Concurrent Appraisals, to your system in addition to the default cycling appraisal. This is helpful in many situations such as new hires that may need to be evaluated at 30, 60, and 90 days in addition to an annual (cycling) appraisal. Or you may wish to evaluate an employee on their performance on a specific project. This feature allows you to set up non-cycling appraisal processes.

Third, we have added more capabilities to the Merit Matrix feature. The ranges are now customizable, the system will make merit calculations, and appraisers can make suggested adjustments.

Each of these topics are addressed in separate release documents. This document will explain the Core Values feature.

Core Values Section on Appraisals

You will now have the ability to add a Core Values section to your appraisals, in addition to the current sections – Factors and Goals, (if applicable.) The Factors that appear on an appraisal are determined by that employee’s assigned position. All employees assigned to that position are evaluated on the same Factors. The Core Values section will not be tied to position titles but will instead be independently weighted. Like Factors, the content will be managed by Administrative Users.

Note: If you add and apply Core Values, they will appear on all default appraisals in your system. However, they will not appear on the new concurrent /non-cycling appraisals. (Default appraisals are those appraisals that cycle forward to a new blank appraisal upon completion.)

Activate Core Values Feature

Core Values will be “hidden” (turned off) by default. To activate it, simply un-hide it by going to System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings tab, Hide and Show area and de-select the checkbox. Click Save. Once it is unchecked, “Evaluate Core Values” will appear as an evaluation choice in the main menu.

Please note that this feature can only be unhidden/activated if the weight source -under Overall Weights on the Appraisal Settings tab - is listed as “Company-Wide.” If any other weight source is chosen, the Hide Core Values Section checkbox will be locked. Also note that when the Core Values Section is unhidden, the Weight Source field will be grayed out and inactive. If you hide the Core Values Section, the Weight Source field will become active again.

Changing the weight source from any other source to Company-Wide will only impact employees added to the system after the change. Any prior weight distribution already determined via another weight source will not be changed. To apply the Company-Wide source to all existing employees, you will need to click the Lock Weight checkbox. If you don’t click Lock Weight, appraisers will be able to customize the overall weights on Factors, Goals, and Core Values from the Employee Goal Tools.

Customize Core Value Overall Weighting

You will need to decide how much to weigh the Core Values overall in relation to Factors and Goals. The default weight is zero. If you leave the weight at zero, your Core Values can be evaluated but the scores from them will have no effect on the final appraisal score. To change the weight, go to System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings tab and enter the desired number in the Core Value Weight box in the Overall Weights area of the page. Adjust the Factor or Goal weights to ensure that the total weight of all three sections equals 100%. (If the Total Weight does not equal 100%, the Save button will be inactive.) Click Save.

Lock the weights to apply the percentages on the Appraisal Settings tab to current default appraisals. If you click the Lock Weight box, appraisers will not be able to change the weights on the Goal Tools screen (both Current and Future Goals tabs).

When overall weights are not locked, Administrative Users and appraisers will only be able to save changes to the weights on the Goal Tools screen (both Current and Future Goals tabs) if the total weight equals 100%. The Save Overall Weights button will be inactive unless/until the total weight equals 100%.

Note: Keep in mind, if overall weights are changed/locked and there are appraisals currently in process, it may affect scores on those appraisals.

Customize Core Values Terminology

“Core Values” is a customizable term. To change this term throughout the application, go to the System Setup > Company Settings > Custom Terms tab. Enter the singular and plural form of the term you would like and click Save.

Customize Core Value Level Configuration

A new Core Values Levels tab will appear on the Level Configuration screen when Core Values are activated. It functions in the same way as the Factor Levels and Goal Levels tabs. From this tab you will need to choose the rating increment from the Core Value Scale dropdown menu, which includes choices for whole, half, quarter, and tenth. The selected increments will be reflected on the appraisal screens.

You will also need to enter a title or words to describe each performance level (1-5 in the example below). Click Save.

Note: You may have customized your system by applying a different number of performance levels than five.

Note: The number of Performance Levels is set on the System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings tab. The number chosen will apply to Factors, Goals, and Core Values.

Adding Core Values

To add Core Values for inclusion in your appraisals, go to the System Setup > Content Customization > Core Values tab. To add a Core Value, click the Add Core Value button.

Enter a name, description, and level descriptions for the Core Value. When finished, click Save. Repeat until you have all your Core Values entered.

Once Core Values are added, from the Core Values tab, click the Apply checkbox beside the ones you want to immediately include on your default/cycling appraisals. Remember, this will apply to all open default/cycling appraisals (and ad hoc appraisals) in your system. Core Values are NOT included on the new concurrent appraisals. If the Apply checkbox is not selected, the Core Value will not appear on any current appraisals.

Determine the weight for each Core Value and enter the value in the Weight field. The weight total must be 100%. Click the Divide Weight Evenly button, if you would like the system to distribute the weight evenly between those that are marked Apply. The system will automatically save your selections when you leave the screen.

Editing, Duplicating, or Deleting Core Values

Once Core Values are added, you can edit, duplicate, and delete them from the Core Values tab. You can also change the order in which the Core Values display on your appraisals by using the up and down green arrows in the Display Order columns. Changes made here will affect the Core Values section on all default/cycling appraisals. The system will automatically save your selections when you leave the screen.

Note: If you delete a Core Value and there are appraisals currently in process, it will remove the Core Value and any associated scores and comments. It will also clear the Employee/Appraiser Ready dates, merging, and routing of all current appraisals.

If you remove the checkmark from any Apply box, that Core Value and any associated scores and comments will be removed from the Evaluate Core Values screen of any uncompleted appraisal. You will then need to redistribute the weights so the total is 100%.

Appraiser Set Core Values Weights

If overall weights are not locked by the Administrative User, appraisers will be able to set the weights on the Goal Tools screens (both Current and Future Goals tabs). The total weights must be 100% for the Save Overall Weight button to be active. If the weights are not locked, the default weight for Core Values will be zero. In order for the Core Values to have any weight, the appraiser will need to set and save a weight.

Evaluating Core Values

Evaluation of Core Values is performed in the same way as evaluating Factors and Goals. Users will select Evaluate Core Values from the main menu, and then select the Core Value to evaluate either from the Overview or Evaluation tab.

Finish Appraisal Screens (Ready, Merge, Complete)

A Core Values progress bar and the scores will appear on the Ready tab in the Appraisal Checklist, on the Merge tab after merging in the Appraisal Summary, and on the Complete tab in the Score Summary table.

Appraisal Viewing/Printing

The Appraisal Overview section of all print views will include a table for Core Values above the Factors table.

Details of the Core Value scores and comments appear below the Appraisal Overview.

The Final Score Calculation section will include a row for Core Values above the Factors row.

Multi-Appraiser Setup

If you use the Multi-Appraiser feature, Core Values will become part of the different aspects of setting up multi-appraiser rights. You will need to determine whether multi-appraisers must (Require), may (Optional), or cannot (Restrict) evaluate Core Values if they are assigned to the default profile.

Core Values will also be an option when creating and defining new multi-appraiser profiles. You must determine whether multi-appraisers assigned to these profiles must (Require), may (Optional), or cannot (Restrict) evaluate Core Values.

New Report: Overall Core Value Rating

A new report has been added to the Appraisals category relating to Core Values. It will display when the Core Values section is unhidden in Company Settings. It shows the current Core Value scores for all appraisals that are either current, last completed, or based on the appraisal end or due date (depending on how you customize the report.)

Importing Core Values and Weights

The Import spreadsheet will include a field for importing Core Values and their weights. Weights can be imported for Factors, Goals and Core Values, but the total must be 100%. Contact Product Support for assistance with performing imports.

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