Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update – RC PP 2250 July 21, 2022

Import Content, Anonymous Engagement Survey, New Field Options to Employee Created Forms

New Content (Competencies/Goals) Import Feature

You will now be able to import Competency and Goal content into your system instead of entering it manually. You can also assign Competencies to positions and Goals to employees via this import.

When logged in as the Administrative User, you will be able to see the new “Import Content” menu item under “Manage Employees.” When selected, the “Choose File” tab will display.

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There are three new import types:

Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library – This option will upload the Competencies and/or Goals to the company libraries without making any assignments to positions or employees.

Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions – This option will assign Competencies to positions or update Competencies already assigned as specified in the import file.

Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees – This option will assign Goals to employees or update Goals already assigned as specified in the import file.

Note: The import types will respect any customization you have performed on the Custom Terms screen. (Example: you may have renamed “Competencies” to “Factors.”)


There are three import templates (.csv format) now available that correspond with the new import types described above. (Download them by clicking the links below.) Populate them with the content you desire to import.

• Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library

• Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions

• Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees

They include the following columns.

Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library

  • Criterion – The only acceptable value for this column is either Competency or Goal.
  • Category – Category to store the Competency/Goal in, up to 100 characters. If the category does not already exist in Performance Pro, it will be created upon import.
  • Name – Name of the Competency or Goal, up to 100 characters. If the name already exists in Performance Pro, it will be updated with the information in the import file if mapped to an existing Competency. The information that will be updated includes description and definitions of each level description.
  • Description – Description of the Competency or Goal, up to 4000 characters.
  • Level 1-10 Description – There are 10 columns to accommodate up to 10 levels of Competency ratings. Goal levels will need to be setup manually and cannot be included in the content import.

 Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions

  • Position Category – Category to store the Position in, up to 100 characters. If the category does not exist in Performance Pro, it will be created upon import.
  • Position Name - Name of the Position, up to 100 characters. If the name exists in Performance Pro, it will be updated with the information below in the import file.
  • Competency Category – Category to store the Competency in, up to 100 characters. If the category does not exist in Performance Pro, it will be created upon import.
  • Competency Name – Name of the Competency, up to 100 characters. If the name exists in Performance Pro, it will update the assigned weight, if applicable.
  • Weight – Weight assigned to the Competency.

Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees

  • Employee ID –The employee’s ID number in Performance Pro. (Either Employee ID or Username must be present for the import to run.)
  • Username – The employee’s Username in Performance Pro. (Either Employee ID or Username must be present for the import to run.)
  • Appraisal Process – (for use if using Concurrent Appraisals) - Name of the Appraisal Process to add the Goal to. (The employee must have this Appraisal Process already assigned to them for the Goal to be added to it.)
  • Goal Name - Name of the Goal, up to 100 characters. If the name exists in Performance Pro, it will update the description and/or weight, if applicable.
  • Goal Description - Description of the Goal, up to 4000 characters
  • Goal Weight – (for use if Divide Weights Evenly feature is off) - The desired weight of the Goal.


Once your import .csv files are populated with your data, the next step is to choose your .csv file from the “Choose File” tab. Click the “Choose File” button. Navigate to and select your.csv file.


Select an import type from the “Import Type*” dropdown. Your choice should match the type of data on your .csv file. Choices are:

  • Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library
  • Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions
  • Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees

Once the Import Type is selected, click “Upload.”


Once the file is uploaded, a “Template” tab will open on which you will match the .csv file columns to existing Performance Pro fields. The first column lists the column headings in your .csv file. A check mark indicates it is matched to a Performance Pro field. The next column contains the dropdowns of possible Performance Pro fields to match each .csv column to. The mapping options will vary depending on your file data and which type of import you chose. Examples of the “Template” tab for each type of import appear below.

Add and/or Update Competencies/Goals to Company Library

The “Name” field is the key in this type of import and must be present.

Although there can be up to 10 Level columns in the .csv file, the field dropdowns will only give you matching options based upon the number of Competency Levels currently in your system.

Click “Continue” when all fields are matched.

Add and/or Update Competencies to Positions

All five fields are required in this type of import and must be present. Click the key beside “Position Name” to make it the key prior to clicking “Continue.”

Click “Continue” when all fields are matched.

Assign Current Goal(s) to Employees  

Either Employee ID or Username must be present for this import to run. Click the key beside either “Employee ID” or “Username,” depending on which info is included in your file, to make it the key prior to clicking “Continue.”

If the Concurrent Appraisals feature is not activated in your system, Appraisal Process should be marked “Skip.” If it is activated, you must include an Appraisal Process name in your file for each row of data imported and required.

If “Divide Weights Evenly” is activated in your system, Goal Weight should be marked “Skip” and no weights should be included in your .csv file.

Click “Continue” when all fields are matched.


Once fields are matched and you click “Continue,” alerts will display if problems are detected.

An alert will appear if new Competencies or Goals are detected in the .csv file. You will be given the option to map the item to existing Goal Library Goals or Competencies (by choosing an option from the dropdown) or to create a new one (by checking the “Create New” checkbox.)

  • New Competencies will be uploaded to System Setup > Content Customization > Competencies > Company List.
  • New Goals will be uploaded to System Setup > Content Customization > Goal Library > Company List.

An alert will also appear if new Positions are detected in the .csv file. You will be given the option to map the Position to an existing Position (by choosing an option from the dropdown) or to create a new one (by checking the “Create New” checkbox.)

Click “Continue” at the bottom of the Alert box when finished.


Once all alerts are resolved, the Start Import tab will appear. Click “Continue” to run the import.


Once the import runs, the History tab will add the status of the import to the list of previous imports. If there are no skipped rows or errors within a file, the chart icon will display in the “Results” column, on the import row. If there are skipped rows or errors within a file, a red caution triangle will display.  

Click the icon from the “Results” column to see a summary of the import. Click “Print” if desired.

If there were problems with the import, they will be detailed in the “Data Issues” section of the report. Possible problems include:

Skipped Messages

  • Category is missing for either Position, Competency or Goal, the field was not changed.
  • Name is missing for either Competency or Goal, the field was not changed.
  • The username or employee ID do not match a current employee, the field was not changed.
  • The Appraisal Process name does not exist, the field was not changed.

Errors But Still Processed

  • Goals are over or under 100%, please adjust weights in the Employee Goal Tools.

Changes to Employee Created Forms Feature

Anonymous Engagement Survey

A new “Anonymous Engagement Survey” has been added as a standard employee created form. Only employees who also have Administrator privileges have the option to send this form.

Users will answer the following questions using a rating scale of 1-5.

5=Agree Strongly




1=Disagree Strongly

  1. Work never interferes with my home life.
  2. The Paid Time Off I have is sufficient.
  3. I enjoy the majority of my work.
  4. I am never exhausted by the amount of work I am responsible for.
  5. I feel that the process and procedures associated with my duties are effective and efficient.
  6. I feel I have a voice in suggesting or influencing changes to process.
  7. I feel connected to the direction the organization is moving toward.
  8. I feel my duties are important.
  9. My manager supports me in my duties.
  10. I feel that I am heard when I voice concerns to my manager.
  11. Overall, I feel management decisions are consistent.
  12. I enjoy working with my colleagues.
  13. I have good work relationships.
  14. Employee groups work well together to achieve goals.
  15. I enjoy my client/customer interactions.
  16. My service is good because of how I feel about the people I serve.
  17. Exemplary service is well defined and recognized.
  18. There is a path to advance my career with this organization.
  19. I have a career.
  20. I have the opportunity to learn additional duties and responsibilities.
  21. I do not think about other organizations when I think about the next step in my professional development.
  22. I feel leadership supports my professional development and advancement.
  23. I feel I am recognized for my accomplishments.
  24. I feel my contributions are valued and appreciated.
  25. I feel like my peers are aware of my successes.
  26. Exemplary behavior is communicated throughout the organization.
  27. My peers are a good source of knowledge.
  28. The goals for my team are clearly defined.
  29. I am comfortable with the people I work with.
  30. There is a strong sense of inclusion among my peers.
  31. I feel my compensation is fair relative to my benefits package.
  32. I do not feel that people in my position with other companies make more than I do.
  33. It would be easier to discuss wages with leadership than to find a new position paying more money.
  34. I feel that people in the organization that perform similar functions make about the same as I do.
  35. How likely are you to refer your family and friends to work for this organization?
  36. How many years do you plan to work for this company?

This form cannot be customized, deleted or copied. To send the form, click the edit pencil.

This will take you to the selection screen where you specify users to receive the form, both internal and external.

Click Send to send the form to selected users. Recipients access the form from their Form Inbox on the Home screen or from email.

Additional Form Field Options

Previously, an employee only had three field types to choose from when creating or editing an Employee Created Form. Those field types were: 1-10 Scale, Comment Box, and Drop-Down Group.

With this release, all field types available in System Setup > Content Customization > Form Builder are available for Employee Created Forms. New options now include Date, Instructions, Single Line Text Field, Radio Button Group, and Checkbox.

Export Options for Reports

When exporting reports in Performance Pro, users will have the options of .csv and .pdf. The Word .doc option is being removed.