Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Update – Collaborative Feedback

Released on October 17, 2019-These release notes contain information on a new feature in Performance Pro: Collaborative Feedback. This is a chat feature which allows you to have conversations with other users in Performance Pro.

Collaborative Feedback

The feature is turned on in the System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings tab, Advanced Features area.

Once activated, any user who is logged into Performance Pro will have the Collaborative Feedback icon appear on the bottom right corner of the screen. Administrative Users will still be able to see the existing green chat icon, used to communicate with the client support team and to receive system messages for Administrative Users. 

When the icon is clicked, a dialogue window will appear. The window will display conversation exchanges that include the user, in chronological order (newest to oldest).   A New Conversation button appears at the bottom.

If the Administrative User is aliasing another user, the header will show the first name of the aliased employee and the New Conversation button will not appear. The Administrative User will be able to view and select any previously added conversations but will not be able to post on behalf of the aliased employee.

If the user is viewing his/her own screen, they can select a previous conversation and add to it/review it or they can click New Conversation to begin a new exchange with any number of users. When a new conversation is chosen, you will be prompted to choose between three conversation types: 1:1 (private between you and your appraiser(s)); Group (private between you and one or more of your coworkers); and Everyone (broadcast a message to everyone.)

Once the conversation type is chosen, a new window will open based on the selection. The back arrow will take you to the previous screen. The home icon will take you to the main conversation screen.

1:1 Conversation

When this option is selected, the name of the user’s appraiser(s) will appear. If the employee has two appraisers, both appraisers will appear and be available for selection. If more than one appraiser is listed, there will be a checkbox on the right side to enable the user to select one or both appraisers for the conversation. If there is only one appraiser to choose from there will be no checkbox. Once the appraiser(s) are selected, a “Start typing to search message” field appears, in which the user can enter search terms from the conversation. The icons at the bottom of the window allow users to select emojis and upload attachments. Pressing the enter key on the keyboard will post the message to the conversation. The senders’ text will appear right-justified in the window. The recipients’ reply will be blue and left-justified. The user’s image will appear next to their respective replies, if user images are being used and have been uploaded. Hovering over the image will display the user’s name.

Group Conversation

When this option is selected, a list of Performance Pro users will appear. Their relationship to the user appears below each name (Appraiser or Colleague). The scroll bar on the right side can be used to scroll through the list or the “Start typing to search by name” field can be used to search for users. Recipients are selected for the conversation by clicking in the checkbox next to their name(s). Once all desired recipients are selected, click the Start Conversation button. If you need to remove a recipient, you can click the back arrow and deselect their checkbox.

A new window opens with the list of recipients appearing at the top. The “Start typing to search message” field appears, in which the user can enter search terms from the conversation. The user can also start typing a new message in the “Write a message” field. The icons at the bottom of the window allow users to select emojis and upload attachments. Pressing the enter key on the keyboard will post the message to the conversation. The senders’ text will appear right-justified in the window. The recipients’ reply will be blue and left-justified. The user’s image will appear next to their respective replies, if user images are being used and have been uploaded. Hovering over the image will display the user’s name.


When this option is selected, the user can start a conversation with all users. There is no “Start Conversation” button when the user selects “Everyone.” It will just be a continuous feed of all previous additions to the conversation. The “Start typing to search message” field appears, in which the user can enter search terms from the conversation. The user can also start typing a new message in the “Write a message” field. The icons at the bottom of the window allow users to select emojis and upload attachments. Pressing the enter key on the keyboard will post the message to the conversation. The senders’ text will appear right-justified in the window. The recipients’ reply will be blue and left-justified. The user’s image will appear next to their respective replies, if user images are being used and have been uploaded. Hovering over the image will display the user’s name.

Once conversations have been initiated, the main Collaborative Feedback screen will list those conversations, newest to oldest. To add to any conversation, click on it and enter new text. The Collaborative Feedback icon on the Home screen will display a notification, showing the number of unviewed messages.

A drag and drop feature allows users to drag and drop any part of a conversation into any comment box on the evaluation screens. Right click and hold on any comment in a conversation and drag and drop it to the desired comment field. This will copy the comment and not remove it from the conversation.

If the Collaborative Feedback window is open, it must be closed by clicking the blue X before the user can log out of Performance Pro.

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