Performance Pro - Alerts and Notifications - New Interface

Performance Pro - How to Disable E-mail Notifications - New Interface

Performance Pro contains some hard-coded emails that cannot be disabled or turned off. This article explains how to disable other alerts.

Appraisal Email Alerts

To Disable Upcoming and/or Overdue Appraisal Alerts

Click System Configuration, then Alerts & Notifications.

alerts & notifications

From the Appraisal Notifications section, click the role whose alert you wish to disable.


Uncheck the Reminders and Overdue checkboxes. Click Save.

reminders and overdue

You can change roles from the Select Role dropdown and turn off alerts for the other roles.

To Disable Completion Past Due Alerts


The Completion Past Due alert applies to any appraisal that has been marked Ready for more than 30 days without being clicked complete.

Click System Configuration, then Alerts & Notifications.

From the Appraisal Notifications section, click Completion Past Due.

comp past due

De-select the Notifications checkbox. Click Save.

comp past due2

Goal Email Alerts

To Disable E-Mail Alerts for Goals

Click System Configuration, then Alerts & Notifications.

From the Goal Alerts section, click Goal Alerts.

goal alerts

Uncheck the Reminders checkbox. Click Save.

goal alerts reminders


If your employees are allowed to enter their own current goals, an e-mail alert will still be sent to the appraiser when an employee creates a current goal.

To Disable Check in Alerts for Goals

Click System Configuration, then Alerts & Notifications.

From the Goal Alerts section, click Check In Alerts.

check in alerts

Uncheck the Reminders checkbox.  Click Save.

check in alerts remind

E-Signature Email Alerts


If the E-Signature feature is activated in your system, you can choose to disable the e-mail alert that notifies users when their e-signature is overdue. You cannot, however, disable the automatic alert initially requesting a signature.

To Disable E-Signature Overdue Alerts

Click System Configuration, then Alerts & Notifications.

From the E-Signature section, click Update.

esig update

Uncheck the Overdue checkbox.  Click Save.

esig overdue

To Disable Ready Notifications


If the self-appraisal feature is enabled, you can choose to disable the notification that is sent to the appraiser when an employee marks their self-appraisal as Ready.

Click System Configuration, then Company Settings.

sys config co sett

From the Appraisal Settings section, click Self Appraisal Settings.

self app settings-1

Uncheck the Ready Notification checkbox. Click Save.

self ready-1

Note Sharing Email Alerts


If you do not have the View ALL Notes setting enabled (System Configuration > Company Settings > Hide and Show), the email alert is the only way to share the contents of a note. You would need to leave the alert on if you wish notes to be able to be shared.

If you do have View ALL Notes enabled, then the Share Note feature is automatically disabled because, with View ALL Notes on, all users can see all notes on their Notes screen without sharing.

To Disable Note Sharing Notifications

Click System Configuration, then Company Settings.

From the Advanced Features section, uncheck Shared Note Email Notification.

Uncheck Shared Goal Note E-mail Notification if desired. Click Save.

share notes

Routed Item and Routing Complete Email Alerts


If you have activated Routing in your system, you can disable the e-mail notification that is sent to a user when an item is routed to them. You can also disable the notification that is sent to the originator of the routed document when the routing process is complete.

To Disable Routing Notifications

Click System Configuration, then Content Management.

content mgmt

From the Routing Info section, click Routing Setup.

routing setup

Uncheck Complete Notification and/or Routing Email Notification. Click Save.

routing notify