Manager Training - Advanced

Performance Pro - How Scores are Calculated

This article describes how the overall appraisal score is calculated. In this example, we’ll use an appraisal based on a 5-point scale.

In this example, there are three sections that contain items to be scored: 

  1. Core Values 
  2. Competencies 
  3. Goals 

Each section will have a weight: 

  • Core Values 25% 
  • Competencies 25% 
  • Goals 50% 

overall weights

Within each section, each item scored will have a weight, perhaps based on the importance of the item, such as in the Goal section: 

  • Goal 1, 15% 
  • Goal 2, 15% 
  • Goal 3, 20% 
  • Goal 4, 25% 
  • Goal 5, 25% 
  • Total, 100% 

Next, the appraiser scores each item in every category.  When the weight is applied, the results are: 

Core Values Weight Score Weighed Score
Core Value 1 30% 3 .90
Core Value 2 30% 3 .90
Core Value 3 40% 4 1.6
Core Values Total 100%   3.40
Competencies Weight Score Weighed Score
Competency 1 25% 2 .5
Competency 2 25% 3 .75
Competency 3 25% 4 1.0
Competency 4 25% 2 .5
Competency Total 100%   2.75
Goals Weight Score Weighed Score
Goal 1 15% 3 .45
Goal 2 15% 3 .45
Goal 3 20% 4 .80
Goal 4 25% 3 .75
Goal 5 25% 4.5 1.125
Goal Total 100%   3.575
Overall Weight Score Weighted Score
Core Values 25% 3.40 .85
Competencies 25% 2.75 .65
Goals 50% 3.57 1.78
Overall Score 100%   3.28

Based on those three weighted sections, the overall score for this appraisal is 3.28. 


Rounding and Truncating 

Please note, only the overall score is displayed as rounded.   

All other ratings and scores do not round, instead, they are truncated.  Performance Pro will display to the hundredth place to keep the view simple and easy to read.  With rounding, the final score can adjust through the calculation process by +/- .01.  As an example, if your performance level range is 1.51 to 2.49, you could have a score in the database of 2.498. This will round up and display as 2.50 and move the score to the next level.  A score of 2.508 will round up to 2.51.