Performance Pro - Content Management - New Interface

Performance Pro - Creating a new Company Form Template - New Interface

This article outlines how to add/build a new form to your company list.

Terms to Understand When Creating New Forms

  • Form Title. Each form must have a title. 

  • Employee Information. This information is automat­ically entered into your form and includes the follow­ing: Employee Name, Employee ID, Position, Department, Division, Location, Appraiser, and Date. You do not need to add these to the text of your form . They will automatically default with infor­mation from the Employee Data screen if that information has been entered.

  • Field Type. As you customize forms , you will choose a field type, which determines what type of text may be entered in that field (such as Single Line Text Field, Comment Box, Radio Button Group, Checkbox, Drop-Down Group, Date, and Instructions).

  • Single Line Text Field. Allows you to create a question or state­ment that will be followed by a single-line text box that allows up to 100 characters.

  • Comment Box. Allows you to create a question or state­ment that will be followed by a text box that allows a large amount of text, up to 4000 characters.

  • Radio Button Group. Allows you to create a list of choices with radio buttons. Users are allowed to select one option from the list of choices.

  • Checkbox. Allows you to create a question or state­ment that will be followed by one or more checkboxes. This works well for “check here to agree” statements, yes or no questions, or the option to choose more than one item from a list.

  • Drop Down Group. Allows users to select one option from a dropdown list.

  • Date. Allows you to create an empty field with a calendar icon beside it from which to choose a date.

  • Instructions. Allows you to create a header field that requires no input by users.

  • Pay Adjustment. Adds fields for appraisers to enter pay increase %. New pay rate field will calculate. Current pay rate field will auto-fill if that information has been entered into Performance Pro.
  • Pay Range Adjustment. Adds fields for appraisers to enter target compa-ratio. New pay rate will calculate. Current pay rate, midpoint pay rate, and current compa-ratio will auto-fill if that information has been entered into Performance Pro.
  • Tabular Field. Allows you to build a table users can enter information into.
  • Signatures Lines. This information automatically defaults on your form and includes the following: Appraiser’s Name, Appraiser’s Signature line, Employee’s Name, Employee’s Signature line, and the name/signature line for users to whom the form has been routed (if applicable). You do not need to add these to the text of your form.

  • E-Signature. If E-Signature is activated for your organization, you may add the capability for users to sign the form electronically.

  • Employee Data Entry in Forms. There may be some instances when you would want an employee to be able to add information to a form (in addition to appraiser input). Fields can be designated as for the employee or appraiser role. Appraisers may send forms to employees who, in turn, may enter informa­tion in any field to which they’ve been given access. Employees will be able to see all fields (including if the appraiser has already entered information) but only enter data into employee designated fields.

  • Allow Employee to Initiate. If the Allow Employee Initiate function is activated, employees will have the ability to add that form to their own record, fill it out, and send it to their manager. It will not have to be initiated by the manager. A form with this setting on must have at least one field available to the employee role.

To Create a New Form

Click System Configuration, then Content Management.

content mgmt

Click Manage Forms.

forms manage

Click New Form+.

forms new form

Enter a name for the form, then click Save Form.

form add name then save

Click the edit icon to start adding form fields.

form add field

Select a field type from the dropdown.

form new field-1

Enter a title and any instructions for the field. 

Select which role, appraiser or employee, will complete this field. Click the Mark Required box if you wish to make it a mandatory field for completion. This would mean the form could not be marked complete until data was entered in the field by the assigned role.

Click Add to Form

form add field info

The field will now appear on the YOUR Form side of the screen. Continue to add more fields by selecting a field type and completing the steps above. Click Save when you are through adding fields.

form field preview appears

If you select Radio Button Group or Drop-Down Group as a field type, in addition to naming the field and giving instructions, an Options section will appear. Type one option in each field. Click Add Option + to add more option fields.

forms options


A table can be added to a form. See article Adding a Table to a Form for instructions on this type of field.

Form Properties

From the main page of the form, add form properties. They function as follows:

  • Admin View Only - if this is enabled, the form will only be visible in the forms list to Admins. The employee and appraiser roles will not be able to see it in the forms list.
  • Allow Employee Initiate - gives the employee role the ability to add the form to their own record.
  • Enable Routing - enable if you would like the form to be routed for approvals.
  • Require E-Signature - if enabled, the form will be able to be signed electronically.
  • Add to Employee Created Forms List - visible if the Employee Created Forms feature is not hidden.

form properties

Click Save after desired properties are enabled.