Performance Pro - Employee Training - New Interface
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  2. Performance Pro - Employee Training - New Interface

Performance Pro-Disagreeing with an Appraisal or Form-New Interface

This article explains how an employee can indicate that they disagree with an appraisal or form .


To Disagree with an Appraisal or Form Electronically as the Employee

From the Historical Appraisals & Forms table, click the red e-signature icon to sign.


In the pop-up window, click the Disagree radio button and add comments explaining your disagreement.

Click Sign.


If you print appraisals and forms and have employees sign the paper copies, simply print them, have employees sign in the area at the end of the document, and allow them to attach documentation that explains the reasons for their disagreement.


When an employee marks that they agree with the document, leaving a comment is optional. If they mark that they disagree with the document, a comment is required.