Performance Pro - Alerts and Notifications - New Interface

Performance Pro - Setting up E-mail Reminders for Appraisals - New Interface

Setting up e-mail reminder alerts related to appraisals for appraisers and employees.


Email notifications can be generated based on the:

  • Appraisal End Date
  • Self-Appraisal Due Date
  • Due Date

You can set up alerts by going to: System Configuration > Alerts and Notifications. From there, you can turn on reminders and set up the frequency that alerts are triggered. This is where you will choose what date field you want to trigger the notifications. ( i.e.  Appraisal End Date, Self-Appraisal Due Date or Due Date) You can set up notifications specific to appraisers and employees, separately.

Setting up Reminders

Click System Configuration.
Click Alerts & Notifications.

alerts & notifications
Under Appraisal Notifications, select the role you would like to edit the alert settings for.

If using Concurrent Appraisals, if desired, check the box to apply your appraisal alerts to concurrent appraisals, in addition to the default appraisal.

app notify

Click Reminders and Overdue to open the timing options for each.

app not reminders

Check desired timing options.

Choose which date to base the alert on, appraisal end date or due date.



  • Appraisal End Date - the end of the appraisal window. For instance, if an employee’s appraisal period is from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, the appraisal end date would be December 31, 2025.

  • Due Date - when you want the manager to not only have their part of the appraisal completed, but also when the appraisal should be marked "Complete" and closed out. Typically, the due date will be after both the appraisal end date and self appraisal due date.

  • Self-Appraisal Due Date - the date for the employee to have their self appraisal completed. Should you use the self-appraisal due date, you can set up notifications reminding employees of upcoming or overdue self-appraisals.

Under Choose Recipients, click All Appraisers to have all appraisers receive these notifications.

all appraisers

If you are in the employee alert, click All Employees to have all employees receive these notifications.

alerts all EEs

If you would like only certain users to receive notifications, click the Selected Appraisers radio button or Selected Employees radio button instead.

Click the Selected Appraisers link or Selected Employees link.

Click the users who you would like to receive the notifications. Click Save.

alerts ee list

Click NEXT: Messaging to edit the contents of the notification.

alerts next

In the Subject and Message boxes, edit the default text as desired. 


When customizing the message, it's helpful to add your Performance Pro URL so that when the employee gets the email, he/she has the link handy. 

alerts text

Click Save.


These same alert options are also available if you utilize the Multi-Appraiser feature and chose Multi-Appraisers in the first step.