Performance Pro - Manager Training - New Interface
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Performance Pro-Routing a Form for Approval-New Interface

Using the Forms tool in Performance Pro is a great way to document an achievement, track employee engagement, document performance improvement, and more. This article and video will walk you through how to route a form for approval.


From the main menu, click Appraisals and Forms.


Click Open on the form you wish to route.


Click Route.


Depending on how Performance Pro is configured for you, you will now either manually choose who to route to, or it will automatically route, following an established routing path. If auto-routing, the Route Setup will display who it will be sent to.

Click Route and the form will follow the established routing path.



  • If the routed form is not responded to within the established Routing Period, it will automatically be sent back to the appraiser or onto the next person in the Routing Path.  
  • If Require Routing is enabled on forms in your system, then all forms must be routed and all approvers must approve it before the form can be saved as Complete.
  • If any routing recipients mark it "Not Approved" or the routing expires without a response, the form must be routed again to all in the Routing Path. After the approvals have been received from all those in the Routing Path, the form can be saved as complete.