In this article, we will walk through conducting an appraisal in Performance Pro for your direct reports. Please follow the steps below and as illustrated in the video.
NOTE: Prior to working on an appraisal:
- In the appraisal section, there are no save buttons as content entered is saved automatically.
- Do not open Performance Pro in multiple browser tabs or multiple browsers at the same time. We suggest having only one instance of Performance Pro open at one time.
Logged in as an appraiser, click Appraisals & Forms.
To start or continue the appraisal, click Open on the appraisal card.
Performance Pro will open to the first type of item to evaluate. In this example, we will show all three possible items:
- Core Values
- Competencies
- Goals
Your choices may vary depending on your company setup.
- You can jump to a section by clicking the icon or scroll down the page to see the first area for evaluation.
- Ensure the first section is selected. In this example it is Core Values.
- You will see the Core Value name, weight, description, the score bar and the level descriptions.
If the employee was rated on this item during the last appraisal, that score will appear in the Previous Appraisal Score bar. If the employee has rated this item in their self-appraisal, their score will appear in the Employee Rating bar and comments in the Employee Comment box (depending on company settings.)
- Click the scoring bar to rate the item.
- Add comments (if desired or required) in the Appraiser Comment box.
- Scroll down to rate the next item in this category. When all items are rated, click Next to move to the next area of the appraisal.
- In the Competencies area go through the same process.
Comment Coaching and Compare in the Competencies Section
- Click the Comment Coaching icon
to see suggested comments you can insert and edit.
- Click the Compare icon
to see scores for this competency you have given to other employees.
- When all competencies are rated, click Next to move to the next area of the appraisal.
- In the Goals area go through the same process.
- If there are Action Steps assigned to the goal, view those by clicking View Action Steps.
If your company requires each action step to be rated, you will see rating dropdowns. Give each action step a score and then click Close. The ratings will combine to assign a score for that goal. If your company settings allow, you can edit this score.
If your company includes Goal Progress in the appraisal, a section will appear on the Goals-Current Goals screen where both you and the employee can independently mark the progress. Use the up/down arrows or click the outer circle to adjust the percentage of completion. The employee will use the inner circle.
Goal progress will display on the evaluation screen as shown below.
When all goals are rated, click Next to move to the next area of the appraisal.
Populate the available Summary Comment fields as appropriate.
There may be a variety of fields available (comment fields, check boxes, drop-down menus, etc.) depending on how your organization has customized this screen.
When all items are rated and summary comments are entered, click Mark Ready to start the finishing steps.
Review the Appraisal Checklist to ensure all scores and comments are present.
If comments are a requirement in your system, you will not be able to Mark Ready until comments are entered for each item.
Click Mark Ready for Meeting.
When the appraiser selects "Mark Ready," the appraisal becomes read-only and it cannot be edited further. However, the Administrator can un-ready the appraisal if the appraiser needs access to the appraisal again.
Click Next: Merge & Route.
Click Merge to merge your appraiser data with the employee's self-data into one document.
Click Route, if applicable.
If your organization is using Routing, the appraisal will route to the pre-chosen recipient(s) in the routing path. Once all routing recipients have given their approval, the appraiser /manager will receive an email that the routed appraisal has returned back to them.
At this point, the appraiser can meet with the employee to go over the appraisal document.
After meeting with the employee, click Next: Complete to finalize the appraisal.
Once the appraisal is marked complete, the employee will have access to the full appraisal.
.Click Complete.
If your organization has e-signatures enabled, the e-signature request will be sent as soon as the appraisal is marked complete.