Performance Pro - Manager Training - New Interface
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Performance Pro - Finishing an Appraisal as an Appraiser or Manager - New Interface

This article and video will show you how to navigate through the final steps of the appraisal process as a manager.


Ensure you are in your appraiser role and click Annual Appraisals & Forms.

Select the employee name you are evaluating from the employee dropdown list and click Open.

At this point, we assume you have completed entering scores and comments into the appraisal.  Once all scores and comments are entered, click the Mark Ready button, then click Next: Merge & Route.

When the appraiser selects Mark Ready, the appraisal becomes read-only and it cannot be edited further.  However, the Performance Pro Administrator can un-ready the appraisal if the appraiser needs access to the appraisal again.

Click Merge to merge your appraiser data with the employee's data into one document.

Click Route, if applicable.

If your organization has Routing setup, the appraisal will route to the pre-chosen recipient(s) in the routing path. Once all routing recipients have given their approval, the appraiser will receive an email that the routed appraisal has returned back to them.

At this point, the appraiser can meet with the employee to go over the appraisal document. 

Click Complete to finalize the appraisal.

Once the appraisal is marked complete, the employee will have access to the full appraisal.

If your organization has e-signatures enabled, the e-signature request will be sent when the appraisal is marked complete