Compease Starter

Multi-Criteria Bonus Planning (Compease Starter)

Compease Starter

Activating the Multi-Criteria Bonus:

To activate the multi-criteria bonus tool, select Company Settings and select yes in Enable the Multi-Criteria Bonus drop down option. Select Save.

Establishing Employee Targets and Distribution:

To set the target bonus for an individual employee, select Employee Master/Employee Maintenance

  1. Set the target bonus as either a percentage of base salary OR a dollar value.
    1. When you set one, the other side automatically calculates
    2. NOTE: The bonus percent is the leading field, so users may experience rounding in the dollar field.
  2. Set bonus distribution targets, these MUST equal 100% and must be a percentage of the target.
    1. Set bonus award for company performance
    2. Set bonus award for business unit performance
    3. Set bonus award for individual performance

Target Bonus = $5000

Company Performance = 50%

Unit Performance = 25%

Employee Performance = 25%

Total Bonus


Company = 90% of target

Unit = 95% of target

Employee = 100% of target


Bonus Award Calculation





Final Bonus






Creating the Bonus Model:

  1. Select Multi-Criteria Bonus Planning from the Main Menu

  2. Select the Effective Year for the bonus:
  3. Select Add to create a new plan and name the plan 

4.    Enter the assumptions:
    1. Enter the Company results as a percent of target, must be a number equal to or greater than 0
    2. Enter if the bonus is prorated based on hire date
    3. Enter the last date of eligibility based on hire date
    4. Enter the business unit results as a percent of target
    5. Save

NOTE: Enter whole numbers and do not use the percentage sign.   Compease will calculate the percentage 

5.   Assign Supervisor Access: Use this feature if managers will enter individual results in the    table.
    1. Select Assign Supv Access
    2. Select check box to provide access
    3. Save

6.    Copy Employees into the Model
    1. Select Employee Model/Copy from Structured Comp
    2. Select all employees OR use filters to select employees to award bonuses
    3. Select Copy

7.  Calculate Bonuses
    1. Select Calculate Bonus – the pop up returns the total bonus payout BEFORE the individual portion of the bonus is awarded
    2. Select Return to view the bonus table
    3. Managers or Administrative users enter the individual results as a percent of the target
      1. Managers may enter values greater than 100%, but will be required to enter comments
    4. Managers may enter comments to support the bonus reward by selecting the manager comment bubble.
    5. Hover over the Individual percent field to view the individual target percentage.   Result should be entered as a percentage of result achieved: For example, 90% or 100% of expected target.  


Manager Role in Bonus Calculation:

Much like the supervisor/manager role in merit planning, managers can be assigned access to a Multi-Criteria bonus model to award the individual portion of the bonus.

  1. Manager logs in to Compease and selects role (if applicable)
  2. Select Multi-Criteria Bonus at the bottom of the main menu.
  3. Select Bonus Effective Year and Select Plan
  4. Enter results as percent complete or accomplished.  
  5. Enter comments if applicable – comments must be added if result is greater than 100%.
  6. Select Finish

Warning message for awards over 100%


Steps for managers to complete individual bonus award



With MC-Bonus there are several new reports:

  1. MC Bonus Assumptions: this reports the entered assumptions for the selected bonus plan
  2. Bonus Model Master: Reports the employees added to the plan with their target bonus and distribution targets
  3. MC Bonus Report:   Reports the totals for all bonus results
  4. Bonus Audit Report: Reports an audit of each change to the employee’s bonus record
  5. Supervisor Reports: Reports all supervisor comments
  6. Calculation Errors