Performance Pro Release Notes

Performance Pro Release Notes - Org Chart

Instructions on the Organizational Chart feature.

Organizational Chart

A new Org Chart feature is now available in Performance Pro. The setting is turned on by checking the “Show Organizational Chart” box from System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings > Hide and Show. Click “Open in Expanded View” if you’d like the org chart to open already expanded by default.


When turned on, an “Org Chart” option will appear in the main menu between “Manage Employees” and “System Setup” for all Administrative Users. When “Org Chart” is clicked, it will open in a new tab.



The Header

  • The header is visible no matter where you are in the chart. It will stay fixed at the top of the screen.
  • The header contains four buttons: Employees +, Competencies +, Goals +, Not on Chart +, and Zoom + -.
  • A plus (+) sign on the button indicates the button is not opened and the content is not displaying. A minus sign (-) indicates the button is opened and displaying the content.
  • The terms “Employees,” “Competencies,” and “Goals” will respect any customization performed on the System Setup > Company Settings > Custom Terms tab.
  • If Competencies or Goals are hidden in the system (System Setup > Company Settings > Appraisal Settings > Hide and Show) the corresponding button will not appear in the Org Chart header or on the individual employee cards.

Click on the “Competencies” and/or “Goals” buttons in the header to display that information globally on all employee cards. To add it only to select cards, click the “Competencies” and/or “Goals” buttons at the bottom of the desired employee card. If the employee does not have any goals or competencies, those buttons will not display on their card.

Clicking the “Employees” button on an employee card will display the direct reports of that employee.

When the “Not on Chart” button is selected from the header, the users with NO appraiser and NO direct reports will be added to the top of the chart in alphabetical order.

The “Zoom” button has plus and minus buttons to enlarge and reduce the display 4x in either direction.

Employee Cards

Information that automatically displays on the employee’s card includes:

  • Employee Picture (if the “User Image” feature is activated and a picture has been uploaded. Otherwise, a generic avatar will display.)
  • First Name, Last Name
  • Position
  • Email address (will display “No Data” if this information is not entered on the Employee Data screen)
  • Phone number (will display “No Data” if this information is not entered on the Employee Data screen)
  • Years of Service (calculates from the hire date on the Manage Employees > Employee Data screen)
  • Department, Location, Division, Routing Group
  • Number of direct reports (displays a number on the “Employees” button on the employee card)

If Goal information is displaying, it will include default appraisal content only:

  • Goal Name
  • Goal Weight
  • Goal Progress Status (displays from the Primary Appraiser, Appraiser 1 if using shared appraisers)

If Competency information is displaying, it will include default appraisal content only:

  • Competency Name
  • Competency Weight

If information has too many characters to fit on the employee card, the text will wrap and display up to two lines.

Hovering over the tooltip icon next to each competency or goal name will display the description of the item.

If the icon is clicked on, a browser popup will display with the URL of the site, the title of the competency or goal and the description. Clicking OK will close the popup.

The following items on the employee card have filter selection functionality:

  • Position
  • Department
  • Location
  • Division
  • Routing Group

When clicking on any of these filtering items on an individual card, other cards with that same value will stay active and the item will change to blue text. Cards which have a different value in that field will gray out.

Click on a different item to change your selection. Click the “Remove Filter” button in the header to remove the filter.

Reporting Structure Rules

  • If the employee has shared (2) appraisers, the employee card will only display under Appraiser 1.
  • If a user has no assigned appraiser, but they do have direct reports, they will appear at the top of the structure with their direct reports stacked below them.


RC May 31, 2022