Employee Frequently Asked Questions

Map your career with the Training Roadmap

Use the Training Roadmap to compare the courses, knowledge and skills required in your current position with those required for another position at your organization that you may be interested in. 

To use the Training Roadmap, do the following:

  1. Select Training Roadmap from the user menu User Menu.
  2. On page 1 of the Roadmap, specify your current position and the prospective position that you’re interested in, then click the arrow to move to page 2.
  3. On page 2, review the courses, knowledge, and skills required for your current position. When you’re finished your review, click the arrow to move to page 3.
  4. On page 3, review the courses, knowledge, and skills required for the position you’re interested in. When you’re finished your review, click the arrow to move to page 4.
  5. On page 4, review the list of courses, knowledge, and skills you need to complete to meet the requirements of the position you’re interested in.
  6. To send a request to your manager for approval to undertake a training plan to help you advance to the prospective position, click Request this as my prospective position. If your request is approved, you will also have access to the courses of the prospective position under your Position Training tab.  
  7. Click Close to close the Training Roadmap and return to your dashboard.