Performance Pro - Manager Training - New Interface
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Performance Pro Managers - Adding a Form to an Employee - New Interface

Using the Forms tool is a great way to document an achievement, track employee engagement, document performance improvement, and more. This article and video will walk you through how to add a form to an employee's record.

To start, logged in as an appraiser, click Appraisals & Forms.

app & forms

Select the employee then click Add New then New Form.

 add form-1

Make your selection from the list of forms then click Select.

choose form


if you do not see the specific form you wish to use, please reach out to your HR team.

Fill in any of the appraiser designated fields on the form.

appraiser fields

When finished, click Send to Employee if there are fields the employee needs to complete. Click Save as Complete if there are no employee fields or the employee has completed their fields and you wish to close the form.

What Happens When You Click Send to Employee?

If the form is sent to the employee, they will receive an email notification instructing them to access the form from Performance Pro. When they are finished with their input, they will send the form back and the appraiser will receive an email notification that the form has been returned to them for saving as complete.

Performance Pro will build a list of forms which can be found at the bottom of the Appraisals & Forms screen in the Historical Appraisals & Forms table.  Complete and pending forms will appear here.

historical forms