
Performance Items to Consider

There are many items to think about as you prepare for the appraisal meeting, including focusing on an employee's specific strengths and weaknesses, accomplishments, and motivation.  Here are a list of items to consider which can help the manager prepare for the appraisal and for the employees' future growth:

  1. What is the employee's most notable accomplishment during the past year?
  2. In what job duties has the employee shown the greatest strengths?
  3. In what areas is he/she performing above average?
  4. In what areas has he/she shown the most improvement?
  5. What do you feel contributed most to the strong results? (Skills, knowledge, abilities, interpersonal skills, etc.)
  6. What could be done to help the employee expand and build upon these strengths? (Education, training, new responsibilities, etc.)
  7. In what areas does the employee need to improve? What are principal weaknesses? What situations give him/her the most problems? Does the employee require assistance to complete job tasks?
  8. What steps could be taken to improve the employee's performance by the supervisor and/or the company?
  9. How is this employee most effectively motivated to improve?
  10. What motivation techniques can you as a supervisor utilize?

Interpersonal Skills

  1. Describe the employee's overall attitude towards his/her job.
  2. Describe the employee's attitude toward supervision. Does the employee interact positively with management? Does the employee get along with the immediate supervisor?
  3. How does the employee accept instructions and assignments? Cheerfully? Grudgingly? Do they get completed?
  4. How does the employee feel about company procedures and policies? Does the employee conform or object to them?
  5. How well does the employee plan, organize and follow through on assignments? Does he/she care about the appearance and quality of work?
  6. How does the employee interact with fellow employees? Is he/she a team player?