Employee Frequently Asked Questions

Importing Employee Data into TLC

Data to be imported into TLC must be in a particular format. Before you begin, determine which fields your spreadsheet must contain, and which fields are optional. It is not mandatory that the fields (columns) in your spreadsheet have the same names as the fields in TLC, or that they are in the same order. It is mandatory that all required data exist in your spreadsheet, and that it be consistent.

Please note: The system will not accept special characters, formatting, and make sure to save the file in excel format.


The below fields are Required for the import: 

  • Employee ID/Username
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Position
  • Employee Category (Full Time/Part Time)
  • Employee Code (A for Active/T for Terminated)

The below fields are Optional for the import: 

  • Middle Name
  • Email
  • Hire Date
  • Termination Date
  • Manager Employee ID/Username
  • Department
  • Division
  • Location

Once you have prepared the data for import, click Next to move through the instructions below.

TLC Import Wizard

The import file must be in Excel format (.xlsx). 

Choose the file to import, then click Upload

Import file

Complete Step 2 by choosing an existing import template or creating a new one. 

timport 2

Complete Step 3 by aligning the columns on the left with the names of the spreadsheet columns on the right. Then, click Next

timport 3

Step 4 allows Managers to be set as Regular Administrators with limited access to the system including privileges to Schedule Courses/Exams and export Reports. 

Step 5 will populate if Units such as Positions, Departments, Divisions, or Locations need to be added to the system. Select Next to allow the system to Add All Values. 

Once complete, the system will provide confirmation of Import completion.