Performance Pro - Manager Training - New Interface
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Import Goals from Previous Appraisal to Current Appraisal

You may you wish to copy a goal from the last historical appraisal to the current appraisal. If the Performance Pro Admin (your HR Team) activated "Employees Can Add Goals," you will have this ability.

To Import Goals from the Previous Appraisal

Click Goals.


From the Current Goals area, choose the employee and the appraisal you wish to import the goals into.

import from last select EE

Click Add Goal and then Import From Previous Appraisal.

import from last-2

The goals from the last appraisal will appear.


If no goals appear, it means there is either not a completed appraisal, or the last appraisal did not contain goals.

Click Import Goal to confirm.


The Import Goal button will import all the goals. The imported goals will then be displayed in the Current Goals area. If there are some that you don't want to be included, you may delete them once they are imported.


Goal details, such as due dates, must be updated to reflect the new review period. Weights may also need to be adjusted to total 100%.