Performance Pro

Force Close an Appraisal

How do you force close a performance appraisal?

Click System Setup then Company Settings. From the Appraisal Settings tab, Basic Settings section, click the "Not Applicable" checkbox then select the Employee or Appraiser checkbox, depending on the role you want to force the the appraisal for. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

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Select the employee from the Employee Selector tool, then click "Appraisals" from the main menu. For each item (Core Value/Competency/Goal) that is not evaluated you will want to mark an N/A score and enter a comment explaining the appraisal was force completed by HR or type N/A in the comment box, working your way through the entire appraisal. 
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Once all items have ratings and comments, perform the finish steps (Ready, Merge, and Complete).

Click System Setup, then Company Settings and uncheck the "Not Applicable" checkbox. Click Save at the bottom of the screen. 

Note: If you have "required" settings such as Routing, Future Goals, etc. You may need to temporarily turn those items off while you force close the appraisal. Those settings are found in System Setup.