Performance Pro - Employee Information - New Interface

Performance Pro - Evaluating with Two Appraisers - New Interface

The Shared Appraisers feature allows you to assign two appraisers, of equal or differing weight, to evaluate an employee.


If you need more than two appraisers to evaluate an employee, you can use the Multi-Appraiser feature instead of Shared Appraisers.

Enable Shared Appraisers Feature

Click System Configuration, then Company Settings.

company settings-1

Under Advanced Features, check Shared Appraisers, then click Save.

shared appraisers

Note: When you have Shared Appraisers enabled and at least one employee has two assigned appraisers, the setting will be grayed-out. You can not disable this feature with active shared appraiser assignments.

To Assign a Second Appraiser to an Employee

Click Employee Data and then select the employee.

shared choose ee

Select a second appraiser from the Appraiser 2 dropdown and assign a weight. Mark Appraiser 2 as optional if desired.


If Appraiser 2 has assigned weight, they cannot be marked optional. If Appraiser 2 is optional, the appraisal would be able to be completed without any input from them.


shared app 2

Click Save.