Manage Employees

Employee Data Change Log - Performance Pro

Administrative Users can monitor changes made to certain Employee Data fields in the last 90 days with the Employee Data Change Log.

The Change Log is accessed from the main menu, under Manage Employees > Employee Data > Change Log tab. This tab displays all changes made to certain fields on the Employee Data screen. It will also show changes to fields made on other screens if that field is linked to the Employee Data screen. For example, the username is edited on the Administration > Managers Users > Edit User tab, but also displays on the Employee Data screen.

Information on this screen includes: name of the user that made the edit, date/time of the edit, the screen the change took place on, name of the field that was changed, and value contained in the field before and after the change. (If the field was empty prior to the change, it will display as -.) Clicking the Info button will give you more information on the purpose of each column.

Date Range

You can also enter a date range (within the past 90 days) and click Find to search for specific changes. If a range is entered that is greater than 90 days back, you will receive a message stating that the date range is invalid.


Export allows you to export the information from the Change Log to a CSV file (Excel type file). To export the data on the screen, simply click the Export button and follow the instructions to save the file on your computer and open it to view.

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