Performance Pro Employee Training
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  2. Performance Pro Employee Training

Employee - E-Signature

If your company requires an e-signature, this tool will apply an electronic signature to your appraisal.

E-signing the Appraisal

  • Logged in as an Employee, on the homepage, in the To Be Signed widget, click the appraisal link.
    to be signed ee
  • That will take you to a new page to view the appraisal.  To skip to the E-Signature section, from the Jump To dropdown box, select E-Signature. Under the Signature heading at the bottom of the appraisal, click the Check this box to sign this document electronically checkbox.
    jump to ee
    check esig box
  • Agree and Disagree radio buttons will appear.
  • Click Agree or Disagree.
  • If you would like to add a comment, click Add Comment link, enter your comments then click Save.
    esig comment ee
  • Click Save & Close to save your changes. Once saved, your appraiser will receive an email notifying them of the comment.
  • Click Save.
    save esig
  • Please note, if you mark Agree, comments are optional. If you mark, Disagree, you will be required to add a comment before you can complete the signature.