Performance Pro

Customizing the Merit Matrix - Performance Pro

To calculate increases, you'll first need to customize the Merit Matrix. 

Click System Setup. 

Click Merit Increase.

Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Establish Number of Columns in your Matrix

The horizontal axis of the chart displays columns according to how many levels you have determined to break your pay grades into for purposes of merit increase calculations. Select 3 or 5 from the Number of Columns in Range Dropdown.

Step 2: Enter Compa-Ratio Ranges

If desired, edit the default compa-ratio ranges in each column. Input the desired percentage in the range high box of each column. 

Note: The range low of the next cell will automatically calculate to the range high from the previous cell + 0.01% and will be locked. The range low in the first column will always be 0.00% and the range high in the last column will always be 999.00%. 

Step 3: Enter Target Budget

Enter the organization's target budget for increases. The Target Budget will be multiplied by the Total Current Salary of each appraiser's team to calculate their Merit Pay Budget and will appear in the appraiser's Merit Pay table. 

Step 4: Enter Increase Percentages in the Matrix

Insert planned increase percentages for each performance and compa-ratio combination. For example, an employee with a rating as a High Performer and a compa-ratio of 95% would be eligible for X planned increase. 

Click Save

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