
Creating Follow-up Evaluations For Classroom Courses

Creating Follow-up Evaluations Help for Administrators. Add and maintain courses and exams.

To provide a follow-up evaluation of a specific classroom course, do the following:

  • Select Schedules from the Admin menu. 

  • Make sure the Classroom Checkbox is checked at the top of the data list.

  • Select the student and classroom course for which you want to complete an evaluation.

  • Click Train Eval on the toolbar. One of two screens appears, depending on whether the course has Assigned Knowledge.

  • If the course does not have any specific Assigned Knowledge, this screen appears:

  • Answer questions 1 to 4.

  • Click Update to save.

If the course has Assigned Knowledge, this more complex screen appears:

  • Answer questions 1 to 4.

  • In the Objective section, select an answer from 1 to 5 that reflects how well you feel the course met the objective (1 indicates that the course did not meet the objective; 5 indicates that the course met the objective).

  • Click Update to save.