
Completing Corrective Action Forms

Well written, accurate, and legal documentation is critical to support corrective actions, especially terminations.

Such documentation may be the difference in being able to terminate an employee as soon as you'd like, keeping you out of court if an employee files a case against you, or winning should you find yourself in court. Short of termination, documentation is an essential part of an action plan to correct employee behavior.

A few keys to remember when completing corrective actions forms are discussed below. Many of the same tips also apply to "positive" forms (e.g., commendations, awards, etc.).

In completing corrective action forms managers should:

  • Include an accurate, specific, and objective description of the behavior or performance to be corrected or details about the specific incident of misconduct. Include information regarding times, dates, locations, etc.
  • Document facts, not opinions.
  • Use clear and simple language.
  • Stay focused. Address the key issues, not a laundry list of problems.
  • Focus on the behavior to be corrected, not the person.
  • As appropriate, explain why the behavior is a problem.
  • Include information relating to any investigations undertaken and other surrounding factors.
  • Include any witnesses or other 3rd parties' observations (as appropriate).
Additionally, corrective action forms should include:
  • Notes regarding past discussions, warnings, or actions taken regarding similar behavior.
  • Opportunity for the employee to respond and present his side before the corrective action takes place.
  • An action plan and timeline for correcting the situation.
  • An explanation of the consequences that could follow if the situation is not corrected.
  • Be aware of the legal implications.
  • Standardized, company forms should be used to ensure corrective actions are consistent.
  • Forms should be signed by the manager(s) and the employee. If the employee refuses to sign, that should be noted on the form.
  • Completed forms should be placed in secure personnel files.